Event : HE Kyabje Lati Rinpoche Parinibbana 1st Anniversary
Date : April 12
Time : 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Venue : Gaden Shartse Drophen Ling
Address : 12 Guillemard Lane
Map :
Website : http://www.drophenling.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/#!/drophenling
On this auspicious date of 12th April (Tues), we pay tribute & commemorate the
1st year anniversary of our greatest Teacher HH Lati Rinpoche's passing into
nirvana. Lets all gather together to dedicate our prayers towards Rinpoche's
swiftest return and may we quickly be able to reunite with his perfect
unmistaken reincarnation, may Rinpoche return soon to liberate beings on the
path once again!