Event : Teaching on Bardo Ritual of Red Vajrasattva
Teacher : Tsewang Sitar Rinpoche
Website : http://www.sangngak.com/
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/lamajinpa
Cost :$325 at all locations. Pre-registration required
Programme :
San Francisco
Fri., June 24: 7-9 pm. Sat-Sun, June 25-26, 9-5 pm
Orgyen Dorje Den, 2244 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501
Los Angeles
Fri, July 15: 7-9 pm. July 16-17: 9-5 pm
Narayan Mandir, Beverley Hills, CA 90290 (register for address).
New York
Fri, Aug 19: 7-9 pm. Sat-Sun, Aug 20-21, 9-5 pm
Tibet House. 22 West 15th Street (between 5th & 6th Ave), New York, NY 10011
Fri, Sep 23: 7-9 pm. Sat-Sun, Sep 24-25 9-5 pm
3902 Woodland Park Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98103.
Tsewong Rinpoche will be giving a rare training in how to help others through the complete Afterdeath Guidance Ritual; Bardo of Red Vajrasattva. This important terma of PeGyal Lingpa is concise, being relatively easy to learn and perform
Bardo teachings are part of the ancient core of tantric teachings originating in India. Great masters, some among the legendary 84 Mahasiddas, codified these teachings about the after death process from the 4th century on. Passing to Tibet these profound teachings were preserved and perfected within numerous small and large lineages of dedicated scholars, practitioners, yogis and meditators.
The “Tibetan Book of the Dead,” has become familiar and popular in the West through various translations and commentaries. However, the actual rituals that accompany these teachings and make them a living reality, have rarely been taught. This class of teachings, called Neh Dren, follow a precise series of steps to lead the deceased individual to a favorable outcome. At the least, this would be a positive human birth. Better would be entry into a pure realm. And optimally, the departed can achieve full realization at various points in the after death state.
There are well-defined successive stages of the ritual, which are outlined below to give a sense of this overall process:
1. Creating the Support
Providing a place for the consciousness of the deceased to reside during the healing ritual
2. Summoning the Consciousness
Hooking in and bringing the departed to the ritual from the vast chaos of the Bardo landscape.
3. Freeing From Obstacles
A wrathful clearing of strong negativites and entities that hinder the journey after death.
4. Purifying Stains
Freeing the mind from the mass of negative karma obscuring consciousness, and healing the mind’s five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) of impurities.
5. Gathering Merit
Generating tremendous positive karmic energy for the the deceased.
6. Offering Prayers
Supplication and requests for assistance.
7. Guidance Through the Realms
The most extensive section, blocking entry into each of the six realms of neurotic being (hell, yidak, animal, human, asura and god’s realm incarnation).
8. Empowerment
An extensive vase empowerment and ordination for elevating the consciousness of the deceased.
9. Sense Offerings
Creating a positive sensory experience and generating the experience of happiness and fulfilment
Concluding Section and Dedication