æ�请æ�¥è‡ªä¸�丹,莲花生大士之25大弟å�转世高僧,现年79å²� 尊贵的 *è¿�内ä»�度ä»�波切* (Chene Lhendup Rinpoche) 主法 *莲花生大士财神* (莲师财神) (Guru Dzambhala)è�Ÿä¾›ï¼Œç¥ˆè¯·èŽ²å¸ˆè´¢ç¥žæ�©èµ�ä¿¡ä¼—åŠ æŒ�,上师将领众共修æŒ�诵莲师财神心咒回å�‘祈愿å�‰ç¥¥å¦‚愿。
莲师财神,就是莲花生大士化现一切財神的总集体,功德利益广大 (寿命ã€�建康ã€�财富ã€�智慧) 主一切财物资é‡�,èµ�ç¦�如雨é™�,净除贫困之苦,属增益法门。所以在这个法会å�›åŸŽé‡Œï¼Œå…¶ä»–的一切財神都环绕ç�€ä»–,如å�Œåœ¨ä¸€å€‹å®�库ã€�å¦‚æžœèƒ½å¤ å¯¹ç�€ä»–來作祈願唸誦他的心咒的話,就能ç©�è�šè¨±å¤šåŠŸå¾·ï¼Œä½¿æˆ‘ä»¬æ‰€æ±‚é †æ»¿é¡˜ï¼Œå��方一切的财富å�—用,世间的安ä¹�,以å�Šå‡ºä¸–間一切諸佛身å�£æ„�çš„åŠ æŒ�,寿命ç¦�德都使我們获得,解除了一切众生,生è€�ç—…æ»ã€�貧苦ã€�衣食匱ä¹�ç‰ç‰çš„è‹¦éš¾ï¼Œä½¿å¾—é€™äº›è²§è‹¦çš„ä¼—ç”Ÿéƒ½èƒ½å¤ å¾—åˆ°åœ“æ»¿çš„æˆ�就心想事æˆ�。
法缘殊胜,敬邀您å�‚åŠ éš�喜护æŒ�ï¼ŒåŠŸå¾·æ— é‡�!
<Guru Dzambhala Puja>
About Chene Lhendup
Chene Lhendup Rinpoche, 79, is the founder of Orgyen Choling
Monastery and Kunzang Shedrup Choling Retreat Centre in Bhutan. He received all the
four Vajrayana traditions teachings from H.H Dudjom Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentshe
Rinpoche and H.H The 16th Karmapa. Chene Lhendup Rinpoche is recognized as one
of the reincarnation of the Twenty-Five main disciples of Guru Rinpoche by H.H
Polo Khen Rinpoche and had been in solitary retreat for more than six years. We
are pleased to invite Chene Lhendup Rinpoche to conduct this sacred
wealth-attracting Puja.
About Guru Dzambhala
Guru Dzambhala (Lama Orgyen Norlha) is Guru
Rinpoche manifesting as the divine God of Wealth surrounded by the assembly of
all Wealth Gods and Goddesses. Guru Dzambhala, the Guru of all Dzambhala, is
the embodiment of the perfect generosity of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the
past, present and future.
Special reasons and benefits are attributed to
this practice. Due to its powerful blessing, this sacred practice bestow swift
and strong blessings in the forms of good fortune, luck, longevity; financial
prosperity, wealth, wisdom and health in the vicinity where it is performed and
also benefits those who are directly linked to it, when it is done with deep
and strong faith and devotion.
Through the Puja offering & the blessing of
Guru Dzambhala, one is able to increase the energy of accumulating both
samsaric and nirvanic wealth without obstacles. One will also be liberated from
the destruction of earth, water, fire and wind; free from the sufferings of
poverty, hunger and thirst in their entire succession of lives. One will enjoy
ease, brilliant complexion and auspiciousness.
In brief, those who pray with single-pointed
concentration and faith to Guru of all Dzambhala, will help to purify our
negative karma and defilements, to receive immeasurable blessings and to
accumulate immense merit.
Date/Time: 27-03-11 (Sun) 2PM-5PM
Venue: Orgyen Pureland Centre
6C Lorong 7 Geylang (Level 4)
Contact: Caroline 91091833
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