I have a few questions about tibetan buddhism for a long time.
2 types of tibetan lama :
1/ monk
2/ layman / yogi
The ones you refering to is 2
But sometimes they wear the same robes so you think they are different
Originally posted by GermKiller:I have a few questions about tibetan buddhism for a long time.
- Why are they allow to marry?
- why are they allowed to have consorts and have sex?
- why was a buddhist monk living a palace, own lands & have slaves?
- why is a monk called HIS eminence or highness or what ever titles?
your question to no.2 is not correct .There is NEVER a consort and have sex practice .If its that decadent, the sect will have been destroyed since long ago .This part of consort practice is for Tantric , since you are not initiated and have no right view , sorry its wrong.ask any lama in singapore , and they will correct you.
3.this question comes from misunderstanding.you have understand Buddhism from hearsay source .The only palace we know is Potala Palace .Dalai Lama is the tibetan government of the tibetan-in-exile .there is no such thing as slave .get the facts right before you ask this question .
they have it in True Buddha School. Maybe this person heard the wrong teachings from them.
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〔記者黃å�šéƒŽï¼�å�°å�—å ±å°Žã€•ä¸€å��篤信佛法的æ¯�親,將å°�å…女兒é€�往「真佛宗麻豆è�¬åŒ–共修會ã€�修行,豈料å��而將女兒é€�入虎å�£ï¼Œè¢«ä¸»æŒ�人黃金é¾�ã€�黃å�‰å“²çˆ¶å�性侵å�Šæ€§é¨·æ“¾8年,å�°å�—地院昨天將2人以連續性侵害和性騷擾少女罪嫌,分別é‡�判9å¹´2月和3å¹´2月有期徒刑。
判決書指出,被害人經由阿姨介紹到黃金é¾�的「真佛宗麻豆è�¬åŒ–共修會ã€�修行,一開始黃å�³è¡¨ç¤ºï¼Œè¢«å®³äººå’Œä»–å› ç·£å¾ˆæ·±ï¼Œå¿…é ˆè·Ÿéš¨åœ¨ä»–èº«æ—�修行,å�¦å‰‡ä½›ç·£æœƒæ–·ï¼Œä¸€ç”Ÿæœƒé�‡åˆ°å¾ˆå¤šæŒ«æŠ˜ã€‚
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被害人之æ¯�å› ç¯¤ä¿¡é»ƒé‡‘é¾�講授的佛法,å°�æ¤æ·±ä¿¡ä¸�疑,自88年起將還在念å°�å…的被害人é€�到黃的ä½�處ä½�下。
豈料,黃竟利用類似師徒的權勢關係,自稱自己是佛父,被害人是佛æ¯�,多次å�‡å€Ÿä¿®è¡Œä½›æ³•ï¼Œè¦ªå�»ã€�撫摸被害人的é‡�è¦�部ä½�ï¼Œä¸Šä¸‹å…¶æ‰‹ï¼Œä¸¦å®£ç¨±æ˜¯ã€Œä¸€ç¨®ç§˜å¯†çš„åŠ æŒ�ã€�,還è¦�被害人ä¸�å�¯ä»¥å‘Šè¨´ä»»ä½•äººï¼Œå�¦å‰‡å¥¹å’Œçˆ¶æ¯�都會「下地ç�„ã€�。
黃金é¾�還當眾指責被害人修行ä¸�精進,藉由其他人勸說被害人繼續修行,å�¦å‰‡ç„¡æ³•å›žæ¸æ·¨åœŸã€‚懵懂無知ã€�篤信密宗的被害人å�ªå¥½å±ˆå¾žï¼Œä»»ç”±é»ƒé‡‘é¾�在房間ã€�壇城ã€�泡茶室和客廳親å�»ã€�撫摸和以手指性侵。 被害人94年考上æŸ�國立大å¸å¾Œï¼Œé€±æœ«å›žåˆ°é»ƒæŸ�ä½�處時,ä»�é�其性侵和性騷擾,至95年被害人ä¸�斷從新è�žå ±å°Žå¾—知有人利用宗教性侵,æ‰�明白黃æŸ�所為å�³æ˜¯æ€§ä¾µå®³ï¼Œä¸¦é–‹å§‹ç–�é� 黃æŸ�,改入其他宗教團體。
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ä¸�é�Žï¼Œå�ˆè°åºæ³•å®˜èª�為黃æŸ�居共修會上ä½�,確為刑法之「權勢關係ã€�者,且被害人æ£å€¼èŠ±æ¨£å¹´è�¯å°šæœªçµ�婚,若é�žç¢ºæœ‰å…¶äº‹ï¼Œæ²’å¿…è¦�甘冒å��è½å�—æ��æ��é€ äº‹å¯¦ï¼Œå› è€Œåˆ¤è™•é»ƒæŸ�父å�é‡�刑。
Yogi is allowed to marry. Usually they wear white long flowing robe. So you can tell the difference.
Why are they allow to marry?
Lol I googled but cannot find a suitable answer yet
why are they allowed to have consorts and have sex?
Vajrayana deals a lot with transformation, and therefore, symbolism is widely used. There are representations of some deities, which are manifestations of the Buddha, that are expressing desire or wrath.
The sexual imagery is not to be taken literally, according to worldly appearances. In Vajrayana, deities in sexual union represent the union of method and wisdom, the two aspects of the path that need to be developed in order to attain enlightenment.
Wrathful deities are not monsters threatening us. Their wrath is directed toward ignorance and selfishness, which are our real enemies. This imagery, when properly understood, shows how desire and anger can be transformed and thereby subdued. It has deep meaning, far beyond ordinary lust and anger. We should not misinterpret it.
why was a buddhist monk living a palace, own lands & have slaves?
why is a monk called HIS eminence or highness or what ever titles?
Quoting Kendall Magnussen:
Dear Daniel,
"Geshe" refers to a certain level of monastic and philosophical training. It
is traditionally received after approximately 25 years of full-time intensive
study at one of the great monasteries. It is similar to someone getting a
"ph.d." level of study and accomplishment, although it is much more than that.
There are also different levels of Geshe. For example, a "Lharampa Geshe"
graduated with great honors and was among the top of his class. It is
primarily a title referring to academic excellence and degree of training in
the Buddhist philosophical texts.
"Rinpoche" means "precious" and refers to someone who in their last life
attained such a high degree of mastery that they did not have to take any more
rebirths. However, out of their compassion for others, they took another birth
at will - or rather took a human form - in order to teach others. Hence, they
are "precious" because they returned to show us how to do it ourselves.
"Venerable" is a term for those who are ordained. Any monk or nun is
traditionally referred to as "venerable". It is simply a term of respect for
those who have chosen the monastic life and have taken it upon themselves to
preserve the teachings in this way.
"Lama" means literally "heavy with qualities". It is a title which implies
that the person who is the referent of this term has demonstrated spiritual
qualities and the ability to lead others in their spiritual life and path.
There are some Tibetan Buddhist traditions where you can "earn" the title
"lama" after doing a certain amount of retreat and study. In other traditions,
one must earn the title "lama" by way of demonstrating their qualities over
the years - or because they have been recognized clearly as a "Rinpoche" - and
then are a "lama" by definition!
Hope that helps!
Kendall Magnussen
FPMT Education Service
Please note that there is never a one-size fits all questions type of answers. U need to consider the history, politics and other factors as well...
This sex thingy in tibetan buddhism is esoteric i think... so outsiders cannot understand too... I was also confused that time.
Please note that I am not into tibetan buddhism.
The Nyimapa Sect., the oldest Buddhist school allowed marriage. The head of the Sakyapa Sect. too is allowed to marry as the linkage is pass down from father to son.
if you research on chakra, there is one chakra that is named " sexual chakra" . When kundalini arisen through this chakra, the person will feel very highly driven by sexual desires.
There are methods to counter-act this urge. When the kundalini pass the chakra to the next chakra , the person will be back to normal again.
Marriages and lay people may have an easier time when this happened.
On your second question.
In Tibetan Buddhism, one may have notice or seem Thangka or actual statue of the Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra in union with his consort Samantabhari. There is a form of Tibetan meditation where when the meditator has reach a sufficiently high level of achievement, sex with a female counterpart is used as a final push to achieve a faster path towards enlightenment. This method of meditation to achieve enlightenment is rather controversial as it can be exploited for unsavory purposes. I believe this practice is not common this day as it brings nothing more than disrepute to the religion.
Originally posted by Aik TC:
On your second question.
In Tibetan Buddhism, one may have notice or seem Thangka or actual statue of the Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra in union with his consort Samantabhari. There is a form of Tibetan meditation where when the meditator has reach a sufficiently high level of achievement, sex with a female counterpart is used as a final push to achieve a faster path towards enlightenment. This method of meditation to achieve enlightenment is rather controversial as it can be exploited for unsavory purposes. I believe this practice is not common this day as it brings nothing more than disrepute to the religion.
But True Buddha School is advocating the above , consort practise openly.
Lu Sheng Yen even write it inside some of his books.
That's why Taiwan court rule in 2010 two masters of Taiwan TBS chapter guilty of raping a disciple's daughter from age 12 for 8 years.
I am not conversant in Mandarin, but I believe Lu Sheng Yen incorporate quite a lot of Tibetan Buddhist teachings into his own. I believe one of the important deity he emphasis is that of the Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava who is believe to be the founder of the Nyimapa Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
Originally posted by Aik TC:
I am not conversant in Mandarin, but I believe Lu Sheng Yen incorporate quite a lot of Tibetan Buddhist teachings into his own. I believe one of the important deity he emphasis is that of the Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava who is believe to be the founder of the Nyimapa Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
Because lu sheng yen claimed he has the lineage from Nyimapa Sect but so far no Rinpoche wants to testify that . Nobody knows who is the Nyimapa Sect that he gets his lineage from. Beside that lu sheng yen also claim he has the other three tibetan sects lineages. In another word, he has all the 4 tantric school lineages.
However the most important guru in true buddha school is definitely not Guru Padmasambhava, it is himself. He is the White Padmakumara , as created by him in true buddha sutra.
Originally posted by Wiser:
Because lu sheng yen claimed he has the lineage from Nyimapa Sect but so far no Rinpoche wants to testify that . Nobody knows who is the Nyimapa Sect that he gets his lineage from. Beside that lu sheng yen also claim he has the other three tibetan sects lineages. In another word, he has all the 4 tantric school lineages.However the most important guru in true buddha school is definitely not Guru Padmasambhava, it is himself. He is the White Padmakumara , as created by him in true buddha sutra.
Well, it is up to each individual to decide for themselves what they choose to believe and the path they wish to take. My only take is that, before deciding, read as much as you can about the religion as a whole and one should not be too far off the track.
Originally posted by Aik TC:
Well, it is up to each individual to decide for themselves what they choose to believe and the path they wish to take. My only take is that, before deciding, read as much as you can about the religion as a whole and one should not be too far off the track.
Quite true, i agree with you on that. Some people are not that wise.
Some just lack the information.
Some easily taken in by well written books , those wrote by lu sheng yen. As you had said yourself , lu sheng yen created many new things in his books, half mixed with truths, half lies. So for many who has no firm foundation in Buddha's teachings, they will not be able to tell the difference.
Sigh ! and there are many who just want less trouble and will not want to warn others.
Why bother as long as you yourself can go to heaven, right ? others die others fate la. The normal mentality.
why was a buddhist monk living a palace, own lands & have slaves?
Because he was installed as a political leader and lands and slave ownership is a legacy of the past. Monastries of many denominations has always owned land. The Vatican is also a country.
Tibet was closed to the outside world until recently, that's why it's customs seemed antiquated.
to what i know,
from the categorization of the three gates, Ch'an/Zen can be classify as the Awakening Gate; Theravada can be classify as the Proper Gate that emphasize more on theories, explanation and Understanding; while Pureland and Vajrayana
are classify as the Purification Gate that emphasize more on honest practice and good conduct.
between pureland and tibetan, Vajrayana stand out in the sense that one need not get out of impurity(samsara) in order to achieve the Purity. this is highly skillful achievement. it's like getting a white cloth dip into a dye and not get dyed! while Pureland differ in the sense one LEAVE the impurity to achieve the Purity.
to add, not many Buddhists know that there were actually two Buddhas during Shakyamuni time. Shakyamuni appeared as an Ordianed Buddha while Vimalakirti appeared as a Lay/Household Buddha. Both are equally Fully awakened. when Buddha ask his disciples to pay a visit to Vimalakirti, they also have to bow and circumambulate around Vimalakirti 3 times, just like they did with Shakyamuni Buddha. this is to show that lay person can also be fully Awakened.
ps: The Vimalakirti Sutra states:
"Although he knows that Buddha Lands / Are void like living
beings / He goes on practicing the Pure Land (Dharma) / to teach and
convert men." (Charles Luk, The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, p. 88.)