Originally posted by Weychin:The question now it whether the non buddhist text is actually promoted as a Buddhist text, or you have interpreted it that way by Reverend Jing Kung followers in spreading the Dharma.
If it is actually so:-
Right action:-
Then correct the offender! Explain to him with all you patience and wisdom to correct his views. Explain why it is wrong or the way he recommended the reading is inappropriate.
Are you able to do that with calmness of mind/? Instead seething with indignance spreading it here?
If I said to MJK camp, hey, I am newbie, I am interested in Buddhism. And the people from MJK camp, push the di zi gui to me, and said, start reading from this book. Isn't that an act of deception? The MJK supporter maybe didn't explicitly say that book is buddhism book, but the action, its just misleading. Its false something, okay? Speech or action or both.
I am trying to rectify it! I am trying to tell it to the MJK people here and say, hey, would u please stop it?? But all I get is ALL KIND OF EXCUSES AND EXCUSES AND EXCUSES!
Now then u talk some sense. I am pretty calm all along. What peeve me is people dun talk straight, wasting lots of my time here. U could just agree with me that the act, passing off non buddhism book as buddhism book, u could agree with me thats inappropriate from dun noe how many messages ago from other thread. But no. U didn't. All u mjk supporters doing here, are looking for an angle, to find some form of excuses for that inappropriate action from MJK supporters.
You are raving and ranting as it appeared to me.
Deal with issues with patience and skills.
The problem is your accusation is still hearsay, my answers are only hypothetical.
Originally posted by Weychin:You are raving and ranting as it appeared to me.
Deal with issues with patience and skills.
The problem is your accusation is still hearsay, my answers are only hypothetical.
If I am raving here, so do u MJK apologists.
Its not hearsay. I am sure if MJK camp if they are honest with themselves, they will know wat I say is true. There's an MO of pushing non buddhism books to the newbie by the MJK camp.
Will we encounter demonic influences while trying to practise Bodhisattva path? Coz i find that everyone around me seems to misunderstand me, and some even gossip false things about me
Originally posted by MiddleWay87:Will we encounter demonic influences while trying to practise Bodhisattva path? Coz i find that everyone around me seems to misunderstand me, and some even gossip false things about me
Aiya, your encounter is normal. As long as you are living in this complicated world with all kinds of people, you tend to have people misunderstand you or gossip false things about you. Don't blame everything on demonic influences. I have a close relative who is a Christian, she also encounters what you have encountered and tearfully blamed her misfortune on Satan, saying Satan will disturb Jesus' followers, trying to make them lose faith.
Just want to tell you that whether you are a free thinker, Buddhists, Christian or of any other religion, as long as you are living in today's society, you tend to face all these people. Unless you stay in mountains, may be the people there are much simpler. No wonder I've seen monks who wrote in magazines saying they prefer to stay in the mountain but they 身�由己。
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Aiya, your encounter is normal. As long as you are living in this complicated world with all kinds of people, you tend to have people misunderstand you or gossip false things about you. Don't blame everything on demonic influences. I have a close relative who is a Christian, she also encounters what you have encountered and tearfully blamed her misfortune on Satan, saying Satan will disturb Jesus' followers, trying to make them lose faith.
Just want to tell you that whether you are a free thinker, Buddhists, Christian or of any other religion, as long as you are living in today's society, you tend to face all these people. Unless you stay in mountains, may be the people there are much simpler. No wonder I've seen monks who wrote in magazines saying they prefer to stay in the mountain but they 身�由己。
Lol.. thanks for ur reply, made me feel better