i remember one time me and 4 friends went exploring at the pig farms. We chanced upon a Xi Ka Zhua (Monitor Lizard ) Size about 1.5m not including tail. it was trapped in one of the pens used to keep pigs. the walls were high and it cannot climb out. We wanted to catch it so we looked around for things we could use. found a piece of rope. The tactics was that 4 of us would distract the lizard in whatever ways we can while the oldest n strongest one of us jump into the pen and tie the rope around its tail.
As we stood on the top of the wall, we shouted n picked up small stones and throw at the creature. As expected, the lizard rushed us and its mouth almost reached us. but the wall was simply too high and so it just walked to and fro below us in frustration. meanwhile, the strongest guy had quietly jumped down n stealthily approached the creature.
Just his luck, as he approached, he stepped on a twig n the creature was alerted. The lizard used his tail and "swoop" a flick of his tail, a thin red line appeared on my friend's leg. he quickly jumped on the lizard's body in an attempt to subdue it. The rest of us , upon seeing the situation , also jumped in to help. 2 sat on the body while 1 guy held the head, the other, the tail. the last guy tied the rope. In the end we managed a victory.
With some effort, we pulled the lizard up from the pen. But now the real question came... what are we to do with this big creature? We had captured it for the fun of it. Now that we have achieved it, we did'nt know what to do with it. Then one of the guys suggested taking it back to our housing estate den we decide what to do. The rest of us agreed since there was no solution at the time. Since the lizard was pretty heavy, we decided to drag the lizard to our estate using a drain that we knew is connected to our destination. we pushed the lizard into the water to reduce friction and alleviate our burden and just drag.
Pretty soon, we reached our destination. After some deliberation, we decided to leave the tired out lizard in the drain while we called the police. we released the rope and climbed out of the drain and waited. A NPP officer came and then after about 30 mins, 2 guys from the SZG came and successfully captured the lizard. That concluded a busy day at the pig farm.
Im sure none of us will forget this second encounter wif a big monitor lizard.