Originally posted by Parka:

You show touching familiarity with the proceeding.
i read up on H.pylori, stomach ulcers, CR cancer etc so i know.

i also know some antibiotics when taken to cure ailments can give u a good facial so that your skin is pimple free, as a side effect, after the course....but if u have to take it, u are in quite a bad shape already.
if increase is amt of vege and fibrous stuff still has no effect or improvement, its either a very bad case of hemrrhoids which will require surgery most likely or CR cancer.
for me, when i start to pump in on papaya, passing motion has never been easier. note that hemrhhoids do not disappear totally, they simply shrink in size over time cos the stools are softer, which doesn't irritate the lump as much as hard stools. pumping in on fruits and fibre has no effect on the lump/tumour (be it belign or malig) cos the tumour is not caused by irritation but by uncontrolled cell division. tumours can grow from 'nodes' found on the intestinal wall as well. normally the doctor will remove the 'nodes' as well, due to their potential to become tumours, if they perform surgery for u. as we grow older, its kinda normal for most of us to develope 'nodes' on the intestinal walls....

guava really seals your a$$, no joke. if u eat it often, better drink lots of water. best fruits to eat are papaya and banana for people who have problems passing motion but they lack vitamin c. give and take loh.