i wanna go jap study so can meet cute jap gals~!!

just kidding, ill go anywhere with better facilities as long i can afford and enter it. so it doesn't matter where this place belongs to, its the quality of education, facilities and environment.
for other people, it should be also be a matter of convinience also, thats why people like going to aussie to study but that is not my cup of tea. i dun have much family here, that i will miss anyways, so i dun really have any thing to bind me in sg. juz money and entry requirements.
problem is, singapore unis have always got this government protected, rigid and inflexible image that was already in placed since the 80s or earlier. that is, the uni people are over protected and being taught by under qualified chao uncles. of cuz recently, all these have changed and we see the quality of education improving by leaps and fold. so as long it suits my needs, than i dun mind else, if i have money and time, i will try foreign unis, secondly, if i can find a better course or expertise elsewhere, like if you wanna study about topics that you cannot find in local unis.
sure, people will change but dun forget our employers mostly are those old people with a biased against singaporean education from the beginning so its not that oversea or local unis are of any big deal but the people that are willing to hire believe that this is a big deal, as long as students want to take a job, this is the big deal. everywhere have different markets for different type of education requirements, like you can even take a course in fishing in those jap agriculture unis.
to me, doesn't matter la, as long it suits me can liao.