Originally posted by Hocklez:
KK, hope u guys still remember the thread I wrote about two person who broke up, jus wan to keep this story short this might not be the detailed version so do bear with it. The story is still going on soÂ…
This is a truth life storyÂ…( might sounds ridicules and this story must not be publish or copied in any other form. Thank You for keeping this story only in here. )
There is guy A and gal B who have know each other since the start of their sec sch life since they are in the same class and so onÂ… They chat and joke around, and this made them almost sounds like good friends. There is even a short period of time whereby the guy A and gal B enrolled into the same tuition course. However all this were stopped by the gal AÂ’s bf, he had asked her to stop the tuition, it sound as though the guy C is very possessive of the gal B.
The guy C had since got a dislike of the guy A since knowing that the gal B has always been in close contact with him even though both of them are in a relationship. Guy A have only known gal B for only a yr since sec 1 whereas guy C have known the gal B since p4 or so. Guy A and gal B will frequently go out together for a movie or even library to study together during the exam period. Guy C and other of their friends knows that guy A liked gal B, and this include the gal herself.
Thus, whenever both guy A and gal B went out together, guy C will know and he will have a small unhappiness about that. This have made gal B very worried I suppose and they will be back to normal soon after days. Situation like this have happened many times and this time round the gal B have a quarrel with him and she asked for a break up.
Yes, a break up of course, but the guy C doesn’t wan that, he tried so hard to turn the situation back by apologising and even talked for more than 1 hours with her, hoping to change her mind. When he thinks that he really can’t save the situation, he sms her this, ‘ U drained my money, and now u wan to dump me’. This message is later followed by some call from their friends, asking for gal B reasons for their break up, this include some of them whom gal B don even know.
On the next day, the guy C didnÂ’t not even come to school, he told gal B, how is he going to face his friends after the break up is made known. However, he turn up in school after one day of his truant.
This time round, he told his friends that he wanted to beat someone up, which I suppose is guy AÂ…
So can someone tell what should guy A do?

Teens relationship; what do you expect? Break-up; save face;peer pressure also got involved, even though they know nuts about anything; threaten to whack up.
This is one good example where Art of Seduction has been employed and was successful. Guy C is one guy who cannot keep his love because mistrust always hover around his mind. Of course, can't blame him for feeling this way because you have appear into the picture and trust me, that girl do share some good impression and feelings for you, if not she wouldn't have ignore potential serious conflict with her bf to enjoy a day going out with you. (Furthermore everyone knows you like her)
From that particular sentence
'Drained my money now wanna dump me.' - this sounded so crap - Quite similiar to some past cases I was told about. And what he is saying, only put you in better position and advantage.
Hoc - to finish and capture your girl well. Do the following:
I) Remain the same as you would behave this period and maintain that currently. Of course, you will see it as an opportunity to seize her now, but trust me,
to capture her now is to lose eventually. One lesson to learn: never enter a relationship where there are still issues to be settled. She didn't thoroughly sever her roots with Guy C - lurk and watch first.
II) If possible, only attempt a relationship with her in your final year of secondary school or after O levels. This current period, maintain good friends and keep improving those friendship. Forget about expressing yourself and all that for the moment - everything has its own time and pace.
P.S: If he instigate violence on his side, he would have completely lost his love battle against you. Don't bother about it because it is usually NATO. Even if it happened, he would have face disciplinary action (if taken in school) or become a police case (if taken outside), lose-more-face and much more. No matter what, once the first fist is thrown, the loser is declared.
