Hello everyone!! I am a member of 4RT, a youth-based fund raising group, under the Youth for Causes 2009 initiative. We aim to raise funds for Very Special Arts Singapore (VSA Singapore), a Voluntary Welfare Organisation, through street sales and holding a concert. More info on the organisation we are raising funds for can be found on their website here: http://www.vsa.org.sg/
Okay so right now, we desperately need volunteers for our first street sales day. Details are as follows!
Date/Day: 21st June 2009, Sunday
Time: 1-5pm
Venue: Orchard (meet at Orchard MRT, you can either stay around orchard area or travel to nearby places yupps.)
CIP hours will be duly rewarded according to the number of hours you helped out for (well if you need them and your school allows for external CIP~). We have other dates for street sales, those would be in the later part of July - Aug. Please check our website, for more details/updates/about us etc. We also have facebook, feel free to join us there so you would be updated of our schedule and don't have to keep checking back :D
Oh right! How to volunteer? Please email us at yfc_4rt@yahoo.com.sg with the followig template:
School (Class):
NRIC number (for verification):
Handphone number (to contact you on the day itself or for any emergencies):
Session: if you're coming for the 21st June one, this would be session 1.
THANK YOU VERY MUCHHHH AND I REALLY HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! CALL YOUR FRIENDS TO COME TOO and all of you can do together. Rmb, the more the merrier! :X
p.s. here's an incentive. there's a bboying competition at orchard there on the 21st, at abt 5pm. so yepps! if you volunteer you can go watch cool stuff after CIP!! kill two birds with one stone (or is it just me who thinks bboying is super cool xD ? )