I’m working on a project that requires students' (in primary/ secondary school) feedback(please refer to below).
Do you know:The National Environment Agency (NEA) predicts that a new landfill the size of Pulau Semakau will be needed every 25 to 30 years to accommodate the incinerated ash, judging at the increasing rate of waste generated. Indeed, the four fold increase in waste generation over the last 25 years has reached an alarming stage.
According to Key Environmental Statistics 2008 under the purview of MEWR, the total waste generated in 2007 grew by seven percent as compared to in 2006.
As fellow humans living on this planet, all of us carry the responsibility towards saving the Earth.
Share with us ideas how you are going to help to save our planet or what related activities would you carry out or do?
Please include your name, class(optional), and school. Submissions together with photos are strongly encouraged! Send it now to
magazine@iknow.com.sg !