"Hi all!"
Everbody in the class scrambled for their seats as the teacher, Mr Hocklez, entered the classroom.
"I have a piece of good news to share with all of you today" said Mr Hocklez. "With effect from today, I am happy to announce that we will be having a new moderator for the Teens Planet forum!"
Everbody in class began whispering to one another, each equally excited as to who the lucky person is.
"Without further ado," Mr Hocklez continued, "Let me announce our new mod - smrt_950!"
Somewhere in the class, smrt_950 gasped in delight and immediately went to the front of the class.
"Hi all," began smrt_950. "Firstly, I would like to say a million thankies to all my mum and my dad for supporting me this far. Without them, I don't think I'll be standing here winning a Grammy award!"
"Ahem Ahem.. escuse me, you are now a new mod, not some grammy award winner, yah?" said Mr Hocklez.
"Woops.." cried smrt_950. "Anyway, yeah, I am happy to tell all of you that I will strive to do my best to improve this forum's rating by increasing our activity rating. And with that, I will need all of your help and support as we try bringing this forum to its peak!"
"Wow.. what a nice statement," exclaimed Mr Hocklez.
"Yepp.. and I really do hope all will contribute, yah? Thanks a lot!"
Everbody gave a round of applause and gave their blessings for the new moderator.