Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:Obviously it was spotted by someone else and you copied it.
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:23 Dec 2012
- SBS8873X(AMDEP SP) on 268
- SBS6311P(SLBP 79) on 52
8873 is 265 permer
Originally posted by SBS 6078 M:23 Dec 2012
- SBS8873X(AMDEP SP) on 268
- SBS6311P(SLBP 79) on 52
if i am not wrong, 6311 is the 1st BSEP citaro bus from SLBP cameo on other service
for BSEP wright, it's 3306
SBS6131S on 64
SBS7484S on 65
SBS8903T on 99
SBS3040R on 198
SBS3115J on 242
SBS8951D on 243G
SBS3120T on 502
Originally posted by azharjj:
if i am not wrong, 6311 is the 1st BSEP citaro bus from SLBP cameo on other servicefor BSEP wright, it's 3306
6310 cameoed on 52 on its first day of service...
TIB976S on 804 (AMDEP 851/856*)
TIB1134Z on 806 (AMDEP SP)
Originally posted by azharjj:
if i am not wrong, 6311 is the 1st BSEP citaro bus from SLBP cameo on other servicefor BSEP wright, it's 3306
You're wrong, 6310 was the first slbp bsep citaro which cameoed on other service.
if you want to mention 6311, you should say, both 6310 and 6311 cameoed on 52 on their first day of service...
SBS 6124M on 112(HGDEP 151)
SBS 916J on 325(HGDEP 103)
SBS 2674T on 112(HGDEP 107)
SBS 7383A on 147(HGDEP 151)
SBS 9500R on 62(HGDEP SP)
SBS 929Y on 89(HGDEP 159)
SBS8303A 198 (BBDEP 7)
SBS6110C 123 (ARBP 111)
SBS9405H 154 (SLBP SP)
SBS6031Y 105 (SLBP 52)
SBS8963U 105 (SLBP 97)
SBS8773B 105 (SLBP 334)
Unidentified Citaro with Jersey Boys Musical ad on 105
SBS3180U 179 (SLBP 334)
TIB432U (MP slot), TIB447C (TIB805C), TIB454G (TIB847G), TIB491Z (TIB809S), TIB494R (TIB846J slot)
TIB1053Z, TIB1105H, TIB1107C & TIB1139K - 913
TIB479K & SMB327T - 178
TIB1180P - 913
Originally posted by TIB987K:AM:
TIB432U (MP slot), TIB447C (TIB805C), TIB454G (TIB847G), TIB491Z (TIB809S), TIB494R (TIB846J slot)
TIB1053Z, TIB1105H, TIB1107C & TIB1139K - 913
TIB479K & SMB327T - 178
TIB1180P - 913
Hmm i wonder hw many times 491Z appear on 178 recently
24 December 2012 (Monday) - Christmas Eve 2012
SBS2689B on Service 154 (BRBP 63)
SBS3177E on Service 198 (BBDEP SP)
SBS3212L on Service 98 (SLBP SP)
SBS6006X on Service 66 (SLBP 502)
SBS7619X on Express 502 (SLBP 51/533)
SBS8034B on Service 334 (SLBP 174)
SBS8075H on Service 99 (ARBP 275)
SBS8109U on Express 506 (SLBP SP)
SBS8303A on Service 99 (BBDEP 7)
SBS8726M on Service 157 (BRBP SP)
SBS8957M on Service 154 (SLBP SP)
SBS9327A on Service 51 (HGDEP SP)
SBS9391M on Service 143 (SLBP SP)
SBS9406E on Service 98 (SLBP 179)
SBS9483G on Service 143 (SLBP 257)
SBS9612B on Service 99 (BBDEP 74)
TIB454G on Service 178 (WLDEP SP//184)
TIB807Y on Service 176 (KJDEP SP)
TIB1177A on Service 180 (KJDEP SP)
SMB354P on Service 187 (WLDEP SP)
Originally posted by TIB 585L:Hmm i wonder hw many times 491Z appear on 178 recently
491 & 494 are considered as replacement buses to those perm which can't serve 178 at any day. This is based on my observation.
Originally posted by TIB987K:491 & 494 are considered as replacement buses to those perm which can't serve 178 at any day. This is based on my observation.
True enough. Been seeing this 2 buses on 178 at different timings but cant say its perm though
Svc 3 got Citaro can considered rare or not?
Btw 67 many bendies from Kjdep side and 969 can say 70% bendies today
TIB494R on 178
TIB454G on 178
SBS6074Z on 255
24 Dec 2012
Citaro on 854
O405 on 812
SBS 6124M on 112(HGDEP 151)-Suspect it is perm 112 already
SBS 9507Y on 165(HGDEP 89)
SBS 3105M on 165(HGDEP 43)
SBS 1981M on 74(HGDEP 156)
SBS 1978Z on 132(HGDEP SP)
SBS 8145P on 116(HGDEP 165)
SBS 2599C on 89(HGDEP 100)
SBS 2785G on 89(HGDEP 159)
SBS 963Y on 89(HGDEP 85)
SBS 8994E on 101(HGDEP SP)
SBS 3141H on 51(HGDEP SP)
SBS 3022T on 165(HGDEP 51)
SBS 7464A on 51(HGDEP 80)
SBS9809B on Townlink 291(Bndep ??)
SBS8033D 242 (SLBP SP) - Perm?
SBS8486E 240 (SLBP 154)
SBS7402D 181 (SLBP 199/243W*)
SBS7682L 99 (BBDEP 198)
Unidentified VO3X batch 2 on 242
SBS spottings
SBS3094K on 502 (SLBP 79)
SBS7703K on 174 (SLBP 183)
SBS5019R on 157 (SLBP 30)
SBS8513K on 157 (BRBP 94)
SBS9812R on 168 (BNDEP 225W)
SMRT Spottings
TIB544E on 176 (KJDEP SP)
TIB541M on 176 (KJDEP SP)
TIB519D on 176 (KJDEP 925)
TIB610Y on 190 (KJDEP SP)
TIB1081S on 67 (AMDEP 169)
TIB792E on 945 (KJDEP SP)
TIB461K on 926 (KJDEP 925)
TIB599Y on 925 (KJDEP 67)
TIB1061A on 187 (WLDEP 963)-
TIB447C on 178 (WLDEP 187)
TIB434P on 178 (WLDEP 966)
TIB429E on 178 (WLDEP SP)
TIB791H on 169 (WLDEP 960)
TIB538Z on 961 (AMDEP SP)
SMB342Z on 858 (WLDEP SP)
SMB194J on 960 (WLDEP 187)
SMB290P on 75 (WLDEP SP)
SMB325Z on 920 (WLDEP SP)
SMB340D on 969 (WLDEP 858)
TIB674M on 856 (WLDEP SP)
TIB1244P on 960 (WLDEP 856)
TIB1178Y on 187 (WLDEP SP)
TIB1039R and TIB1047S on 913 (WLDEP/WRBP 911)
TIB1111P and TIB1051D on 913 (WLDEP 969)
SMB266K on 912 (WLDEP SP)
SMB295B on 912 (WLDEP 961)
TIB1245L on 912 (WLDEP/WRBP 900)
TIB794A and TIB793C on 962 (WLDEP 960)
TIB767D on 962 (WLDEP/WRBP 965)
TIB582U on 911 (WLDEP/WRBP 965)-replace 968R
TIB1107C on 900 (WLDEP/WRBP 169)
TIB1139K on 901 (WLDEP/WRBP 911)
TIB1032J on 900 (WLDEP/WRBP 911)
Today 926 fleet consist of 461K only? I tot PH got 2?