yah, sometimes they shld review the BC's attitude first b4 putting the blame on passengers. recently received v bad attitude frm a SMRT's driver, wah i realli feel like assaulting him...Originally posted by Zilchster:I suggest that someone should launch the Stop abusing commuters and Stop anyhow consifcate EZ-link cards campaign and cause so much inconvenience.
Originally posted by brotherchen1982:Yes. Bendies will be deployed on 77A
[b]Service 77A
Service 77A will operate from Bt Batok Int to Toh Tuck Rd(Opp Bt Batok Sec Sch), terminates at Toh Tuck Rd. It will operate from 0630 to 0730 on Weekdays only w.e.f. 25/6/07.
Service 77A boarding place is at Berth 3 -> bendies will be deployed on Service 77A???[/b]