Yesterday I saw a car knock onto a female biker. It was amber lights, and the rider brake while the driver behind her accelerated to beat the amber light.
Just now while riding, I heard a brake screeching sound and then a loud skidding sound from a bike. The sound was for 2 to 3 seconds, not split seconds, that means the bike really skdding quite a distance! My eyes quickly hunt for the source of the sound and from my mirror, I saw a bike skidding behind me with the rider tumbling on the road. The bike eventually slammed onto a car's rear while rider rolled into the middle of the road. It was freaky as there was no cars behind that bike and the car which the bike slammed into was quite far ahead of it. Dunno what happen but can't stop by the flyover to check things out. It was also dizzling.
I have been caught in the rain suddenly these few days while riding.
Feel like its a sign warning me about riding.....dam...
most of the cases i've attended to are mainly motorcyclist & taxis..
but motorcyclists are really prone to getting RTAs but sometimes (not being mean), they are really asking for it..
---post deleted - complaining & not constructive---
which brings me to RTAs incident site..
ever come across of a really bad jam way before the accident site but after that traffic is smooth flowing..
Ride bike slower and safer. If possible, don't ride when raining or after. When rain, bike skip very easily if riding more than 60km/h.
Riding slower isn't necessarily safer.
Personally, I prefer to ride a bit faster and stay ahead of all the other vehicles.
When u're in the clear, chances of being knocked down or knocking someone is much much lower. (Not to mention that there's less exhaust to smell too. :P)
But don't ride faster than u can brake or u'll be asking for it. :)
Originally posted by CannyOng:Ride bike slower and safer. If possible, don't ride when raining or after. When rain, bike skip very easily if riding more than 60km/h.
Skidding happens when u accelerate abruptly on a slippery/wet surface. (can be explained using Physics but I think I'll just skip it, lol).
So to avoid, just try NOT to accelerate suddenly when riding on slippery/wet surfaces.
My gf's cousin died in a bike accident on thurs night.. =(
Originally posted by QX179R:which brings me to RTAs incident site..
ever come across of a really bad jam way before the accident site but after that traffic is smooth flowing..
isnt it always like this?