I have just been posted on a 3 months attachment to a team that works permanent night shift from 11 pm to 7 am. I hate the job of this team. But they need men and I was to assist them tentatively for 3 months. Dun ask me what I am working as bcoz it confidential. But I can tell you it is outdoor job.
This is the first time I have to work permanent continuous night shift.
I woke up this morning feeling weird, as I dun have to leave my house to travel during peak hour on a weekday.
Then I decided to enrol for class 2A, as I heard it takes about 3 months to get e licence. I went this morning and did that.
I came home at about 12 pm, and until now, besides surfing net, I dunno what to do. I dun wan to do anything that is energy consuming, as I have to stay alert or drive during night shift which starts tonight. I will exercise during my off days.
Most likely I will take a nap later. I wonder besides watching TV, what else can I do?