Dear Deadpoet,
I'm not sure what's your position with your date.
It all seemed vague. I presume the relationship is in infancy period.
But since you wanna know some tips. This is mine(be prepared. It's kinda long).
It's a skill, don't expect to succeed on day one hor. Got to practice.
She's attracted to you. So the first level of introduction, cleared.
Second level is something i call Emotional(Mind) Defence, in this level.
What you got to do is use alot of eye contact, mantain strong conversation subjects and keep her interested about topics both of you shared.
Humor plays a very important role here.
Girls just can't help but to be impressed with guys who could make them laugh(note: i didn't say Funny or clowny or goofy, big NONO.)
Until you find her relaxed and talking without any effort from you. Her Defense system has rested.
Totally comfortable conversation mode.
But you're still a distance from her.
A step away or a coffee table away from her.
Third is Physical Defence.
Get close to her. Be extremely subtle about this. Subtle = natural. You don't want to seem edgy and all nervous creeping near her.
Girls can easily read guys out in this.
Hey come on, it's not as if they've never gotten into dates before. They've seen bloopers and laugh it off too!
Back to getting close.
Lean close to her and brush her elbow or arm(with your arm of cos!!! don't brush them with your fingers.....-_-'')/ stay close to her.
When you're talking to her, lean closer towards her ears.
And check her reaction.
This type of touching is also known as a
"kinesthetic approach"Touching a woman causes her body to release a powerful hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin also causes her to feel a bonding with you and to feel good around you.

Be a good observer now.
If she's frowning or shocked or nervous, then you know. But never take it as a rejection. She may not feel right the first time, doesn't mean that she doesn't want to contact you.
Now, doing this will give her a signal that you're being very comfortable with her. Liked her presence with you.
It further shows confidence that you possess in yourself. Confidence attracts.
So if she likes it and starts getting touchy with you. (You know? All the small punches, slap on your arm or *chest - Bonus!* Or givin all those cute smiley like expressions.) Her physical defense is down.

Start touching her hands...gently and SUBTLELY.

Be a good observer.
Comfortable mode = take your chance.
Uncomfortable mode = one step back, two step front, understand?
Important point 
Don't ASK HER!!!! 'Can hold your hand or not?' Jus Whack!
Eye and Bodily ContactCheerios