why not? maybe BFFs can be true because there will never be one.
werent bff for pri sch
Its very hard to find someone who is truly your "BFF". In this world, people will often backstabbed each other to be better. Just don't take this betrayal too hard, what you need to do now is to take it as a lesson so it won't happen to you again. At least you find out what this BFF true colour is.
Friendship isn't based on terms or statues like 'bff'. sometimes when you deemed her your bff, naturally your expectations becomes higher than normal friends. And when it isn't met, yar you did feel it's BS.
Also i guess everyone's going to hurt you. But make pain worth. if you feel your bff is crap, walk away with grace. there will be more people in your ife that do not deserve your words.
no longer believed in that 3 words since they have their own lives
Don't trust anyone except for yourself or family. Never let friend have a hold of your secret and never get too relient on your friends. Always have a life of your own.
i have shit friends too.
i have friends... not best friends.. though i would like to get one.. prefarably female.. whom i can talk hours without any issue
BFF is for naive ppl. In this world, you cant trust anyone, not even family or SO. Let alone friends who probably wont gaf to your live. I've friends who acted like they're my bff, but backstabbed me.
just like any relationship, it takes 2 hands to clap. if one person isn't doing their part, it's a downward spiral after that. cheer up and move on. you still have many more years to come and many more frens so make. losing one may mean earning a few more. you nv know!
before u call ur fren a bff, make sure he/she feel the same, not just say only. high expectations lead to high let down... bff also doesnt mean yall have a shared life, without each other, you should be able to live too
I understand the need of having a person you can tell everything to and be there when you need them but trust me this person doesn't really exist at all. once you start being close to someone and think that they are your BFF and you know them well enough you start to expect things. eg: wanting them to do what you did for them and etc.. but this kinda expectation becomes a disappointment and you get hurt. so my advice to you is to learn who you can trust and if you need someone to talk to it's best to talk to someone who truly cares, like your family members.
Have less expectations and you'll be less disappointed.
tbh in this world very few can really trust one... the only one you can really trust is yourself, everyone comfirm got kena backstab b4 one. The saying "The lesser f*cks u give, the happier you will be." is damn true.
sometimes don't blame ppl for not saving us lah. everyone is too busy saving themselves
What is BFF? Can eat?
Be like me....just make use of all this bff bullshit when it benefits me and throw it in their face when too much is expected of me
yaayayaya bitchmate
Some ppl are like that. Destroy them
I agree with Vanessaang, even though you should always be there for your friends to support them you probably shouldn't grow too reliant on them. I think you should always trust friends unless they show signs of not being trustworthy like lying. Anyway good for you since you just got rid of a bad friend
BFF - an excuse for opposite sex ppl to behave more than friends, yet remain clean and clear lol.
Humans are like that, always self interest first, betrayal are common, thats how people survive in currest society.
what do u think bff stands for?