Quite frequently, I get angry/pissed off very easy. How can I stop myself?
I dont know why though, maybe it is because of PMS. And also, when I get angry, I dont like to talk about it and I will give a very black face and cold shoulder. I think i have put off alot of my friends but there are some that are really nice and good friends who still come try to talk to me even though I showed a really black face.
I know it is very asshole of me to say this but sometimes I dont feel sorry that I got angry because to me, the incident that happened really does make me angry! Probably Im not angry and targetting at the person exactly, but more of the incident/situation plus the person. But now I realise I am doing it rather frequently and probably I need to try change or do something because I also feel so frustrated if I have to be angry so frequently or easily.
Other than talking to a shrink, what else can I do?
(or maybe I just need a nice place like here to rant haha..)
thanks for reading
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LOL i love friends too.. maybe i should think about Ross when I feel heated again.
thanks for the late night reply =)
There many reasons why people are angry.
Are you angry because you witnessed/ part of an injustice ?
Are you angry because you can't have your way ?
Are you angry because you wanted some attention ?
Blaming your anger on PMS is not taking personal responsibility for your behavior.
If you have issues, deal with what is causing the anger directly. If you can't deal with it, then let it go.
Taking out your anger on your innocent friends or love ones makes you a very self centered person.
The world does not revolve around you.
Angry people need hugs. Ask your good friends to give you a big big hug whenever your face turn black. Or get permission to hug them if possible. Hugs generate good feeling, it transforms your angst to affection. It's a win win situation, it cools down your temper and your friends got to enjoy a loving hug from you.