Hello. currrently i am facing a huge problem. i would like to move out of my parents' home.My family is filled with smokers and it always smells like smoke in my home. And to add to that, i am sharing a room with my older brother who is extremely annoying. I can't even sleep properly on most days ( even during holidays). There are also other problems in my home. That's why i wish to move out.
I am currently studying in poly in first year. i plan to get the SAF-poly diploma scholarship which will give me an allowance of $800 per month and pay for my school fees. I also will try to work on weekends. But the thing is i am not sure where to go and live and how to proceed with all these. Can someone please advise me on this matter?Any help is greatly appreciated.
do u haf $?
About only $1300 currently in savings but the scholarship will give me some money I guess.
Do you have a good relationship with your family?
if yes but because of the smoking problem then wanna move out etc it's not worth it
Stay at home good
Go out with your friends more often?
Whenever you smell/saw someone in your house smoking .... Just get out of your house:D
If you really want to move out . Just rent a room monthly . Save more :D
Renting a room outside you need to be 21 & above to legally signed a tenancy contract. It cost at least $250-$300 per month if you are sharing a room with someone else too. A room by yourself will cost $500+- per month. What about money for food & necessities? Unless you have a good paying part-time job and you can manage it well.
The better suggestion is to Discuss with your family you need some space for your studies. On top of it all they are your loved ones. All the best.
I'm in the same situation as you dude
do spend less time at home but hard to move out rental in singapore is extremely expensive
Gonna be tough living on your own, at this age. You should probably talk things out with your family members. Good luck!
need money to live on your own man
I feel you man.
you need communicate with your parents about the problem you have at least it help, you still young to rent a room, and renting a room is not cheap.
Originally posted by ir8312:Hello. currrently i am facing a huge problem. i would like to move out of my parents' home.My family is filled with smokers and it always smells like smoke in my home. And to add to that, i am sharing a room with my older brother who is extremely annoying. I can't even sleep properly on most days ( even during holidays). There are also other problems in my home. That's why i wish to move out.
I am currently studying in poly in first year. i plan to get the SAF-poly diploma scholarship which will give me an allowance of $800 per month and pay for my school fees. I also will try to work on weekends. But the thing is i am not sure where to go and live and how to proceed with all these. Can someone please advise me on this matter?Any help is greatly appreciated.
Get the SAF diploma scholarship first. Then volunteer to serve your NS early and you get free accommodation and food too
so have you found your own place?
How are you? Have you shifted out of your parent's home, ir8312?
Make sure you have enought $$ to support yourself and have a home which you can live in
I feel for you.
I guess most of us go through this phase. No right or wrong decision to make but you just have to ensure you can support yourself. Most importantly, continue to work on your relationship with your family. Blood is thicker than water.
Good luck.
19 here, also felt like moving out but I guess my environment is much much better than yours /: Goodluck!
Rental for a room/mth: $700(common room)
Food & Transport: $600
School Fees(Polytechnic): $2,628.11/yr= $220
Total: $1520
Do you have an income of $1520/mth?
I know how it feels to share a room with someone annoying :D
Normally i wouldn't encourage anybody to move out.
However, if you are able to obtain finance and your family is not supportive of you in any way at all, then i dont see why you shouldnt move in order to gain a more conducive environment to pursue what you want to do with your studies.
Just weigh the cost and benefits
family family family....stay on
I don't thi nk it's a wise idea to do it. The standard of living is getting higher and higher and it won't be easy to juggle your work and studies at the same time.
its expensive living alone!