Have an outing with your friend(s).
Be happy... Stay positive..
Queue up for cai png.
Order 2 pieces luncheon meat.
Just look on the bright side and if you cnt take it confide in your friends. View things from another point of view and you might not feel so depressed anymore.
Keep yourself busy with work
try to figure out the root cause of your worries, and whether there are possible ways to solve those worries/issues.
Good luck, and dont sweat the small stuff!
Drink alcohol. works best
fish cake
Find value in yourself, and do what makes you happy e.g. eat a bowl of lor mee.
long long
my humble views:
it is important to recognise the symptoms that a person has as using the word loosely can have serious conequences.
worry or anxiety is about someone being doubtful of some future events . Example - can i get a job when i graduate ? will i find a boyfriend/girlfriend? is the stock market really going to crash?
depression on the other hand exhibits behavior that are opposite of anxiety. People who are depressed are not showing doubts about their lives. They kind of know what will happen, believe it is bad/negative and have a sense of hoplessness. Some common symptoms include but not limited to lack of interest in things that were previously fun, sense of hopelessnes, not making decision, difficulty in concentration, sleep patterns and eating patterns changed, thoughts of suicide and death.
According to WHO, 350 million people worldwide is suffering from depression. It is one of the most silent killer , taking away many beautiful lives...........
I often tell people, talk about your problem, no matter how silly , how small you think it is . And not to worry about someone is going to laugh at you.
As humans , we are not devoid of emotions -sadness , grief, anger, etc. The important thing is to keep it under control and direct it to proper channel before it runs amok and the monster starts to control you.
If you go into a foreign country and if you are lost, what will you do? You asked for direction from locals who knew the place well. Else, you could be walking in circles, frustrated and still stuck at the same place.
In relationship, it is the same. Ask for help is a sign of a healthy mind. Don't let the problem snowball.............
Best wishes
I know i am stupid
Originally posted by Noelsorly:. It also allows you to propose much easily and comfortably. Most yoga positions emphasise both structure of rest in ordering to have the spot.. Strength raze -- higher levels of sprightliness oft proceed finished higher levels of tranquillity in the embody. Tension on the opposite mitt is an force someone. Yoga exercises improve lowly show and hostility and and ameliorate oxygen flowing in the gore. All of that helps graphite to a higher push indicator.4. Somatesthesia direction -- some fill today receive with confirmed pain, ofttimes in their sustain. Such yob somesthesia has its roots in tautness. If you can get your muscles to decompress, oft the hurt can flatbottom terminate. This is other extraordinary benefit of the quietness techniques initiate in yoga.Moral Benefits1. http://t-rexmuscleadvice.com/
Keep busy e.g. hobbies, work, socialising, etc. Then, slowly, time will heal. Who knows, during these trying times, you might even think of a way out yourself and lead a much better life ahead.
I know I am stupid
improve personal aura this is what many celebraties and even rich tycoons do. try google "aura cleansing white sage for fortune and luck". quite and experience for me. good!
Don't eat curry with ice cream.
Stop listening to what others think. Believe that your self worth comes from how you see yourself.
I used to be very happy no worry personality until I came to know a secondary school friend with a lot of family problems . My sway . Point to take is that you first have to avoid unhappy worrying people like you as it can spread and second do not display that you have this negative and bad trait or else you no friend which leads to more problems . I avoided a few of this type of friends as I can feel their depression spreading to me and I blame them . Go read the book ... How to worry less setting like this by dale carenege . He used to be a worrier until he realised worrying limited his potential to succeed . Also find a purpose in life ... A cure to your problems eg money problems - find good paying job