I know this gal for almost 10 years. We started to become close friends
few years later. I fell in love with her. She said she cant accept me as
she dont want to risk the great friendship should we failed as couple. I
was shattered, but i respect her decision.
Never once i hold grudges against her for rejecting me. I agree with her that things may not turn better if we pursue further.
Lately, she had financial problems. And ive been helping her. She did
pay me back in time as promised. There times i told her she do not need
to return me back some amount as i dont want to burden her financial
Im not trying to buy her love. Its just that i helped her for 2 reasons.
One is she is my very close friend, second is bcuz i love her and im
willing to sacrifice for her. But too bad, the situation here is money. I
rather she temporarily take my money for good use than me spending my
extra cash unnecessarily.
Some may say im stupid, or she is just using me. Thing is, she told me
there isnt anyone else she feel safe to ask for help and im always going
all the way to help her. There is a part of me feels that im ready to
give up my life for her if necessary. However, im not sure if i being
naive. Only if such situatuon arises then i will be tested.
I may have liked or lusted many other girls. But ive never cared for
them like i did for her. So im just wondering if im really in true love
with her. I can accept if i could never have her even it hurt me so bad.
So what's the problem? are you not as generous to your other friends? So you provided her special unconditional treatment?
Are you in agony because your love and acts of love are not reciprocated?
If u camnot stand the pain anymore, then stay away and move on with your life.
It's selfish of her to string you along like this, knowing full well she is not going to return your affection.
But if you enjoy being a convenience, a feel like a hero, well then its your prerogative and youbreally shouldn't feel shitty about the situation.
Cool Story Bro !
Anyway here my advise: If you are too free, go and help your mother to do housework or be an volunteer, upgrade your skill etc and try to fall in love in something useful. You ever heard an famous general's words: "莫ç‰é—²ã€�白了少年头,空悲切?"
need to 戒掉
就是咯! 男人有多余的钱和时间,就找女人æ�¥æ— è�Šã€‚
��了兜�走,very normal lah.
Originally posted by M the name:Cool Story Bro !
Anyway here my advise: If you are too free, go and help your mother to do housework or be an volunteer, upgrade your skill etc and try to fall in love in something useful. You ever heard an famous general's words: "莫ç‰é—²ã€�白了少年头,空悲切?"
+1 to above. And stay away from having gals as best friends. Will save you much pain.