Anyone here suffer from anxiety disorder? How do you get past in life - schools/jobs because it tends to get in the way of your life. Not to mention the horrible panic attacks.
Do panic attacks happened during exam period or job appraisal only?
Depends really. Sometimes I get them even when I'm not anxious but usually during oral examinations/presentations/job interview etc. Even thinking about it triggers it.
I don't experience it personally.
But I've see it happened to my friend.
It was debilitating for the sufferer.
anxiety to get married
Hi x23, I was a victim of anxiety disorder before for a period of 3-5 years.
My advice to you is to seek helps from doctor, doctors if need.
I had went for counselling and seen several psychiatrists before.
In short,
2003 - things start to go wrong everyday and stressed up.
2004 - seek counselling and psychiatrists
2005 - too stressed, panic attack almost everyday, cant sleep, etc. until body break down. (organ shut down)
2006 - stop working and seen a private psychiatrist.
2008 - finally free from anxiety disorder and cured since then.
So, high chance stress is the cause for your condition. You need seek proper time to rest and stop stress accumulation and medication to assit you.
I had made a post about a year ago on someone's else topic "Am I Suffering From Depression Or Mental Disorder?" You can go read about it and roughly get an idea what I had been through.
I'll help with whatever I can if u need.
Take care!
Originally posted by Noeating2013:Bouncerboy is obviously lying that he is a mental patient. Real mental patients won’t tell you to seek help from IMH because they all know it will ruin their futures in terms of seeking jobs and he also lied that he can be completely cured.This is wrong.You have to eat medicines for the rest of your life.There is no cure!
Rubbish. You should go to IMH and see for yourself how many people self checked in or are sent by families and friends to seek help and recuperate.
Stupid idiots like you have no idea what mental illness is. People like you are the reason why those suffering are fearful of getting the help they need.
Originally posted by Noeating2013:Jojobeach, you are not a mental patient and you don’t go through the whole process.If you go through it, you will not support the evil IMH for what they have done to us.
What did IMH do to you?
Originally posted by jlowbog:my advice to those parents with very young kids is…if u like to threaten or scare your kids into obeying u by saying eg, if u never finish yr food the witches will come after u or if u don’t sleep in 5 min, god will not love u anymore etc etc…then u r actually planting a time bomb of anxiety n depression within them…young kids have a very imaginative mind, if u keep instilling them with all those rubbish, it will leave them in a continuous state of trepidation, as times went by, it will becomes a habit..a habit to worry abt nothing.
True that.
parents who instill fear, guilt ,shame, withholding love, are lazy and using irresponsibile tactics to control their kids, without considering the long term negative effect on their children.
It's time we stop our foolish ways.. (very prevalent in Asian culture).
Some parents are scared of their kids for example my narcissistic 'brother'. But if parents don't do what is necesssary to teach their kids, they will disrespect them and take advantage of them. And this is pretty much prevalent in today's society where kids are so rude to their parents they basically treat them like dirt.
Originally posted by Noeating2013:Bouncerboy is obviously lying that he is a mental patient. Real mental patients won’t tell you to seek help from IMH because they all know it will ruin their futures in terms of seeking jobs and he also lied that he can be completely cured.This is wrong.You have to eat medicines for the rest of your life.There is no cure!
I never said anything about IMH, and I have never seen any doctor in IMH at all.
when I 1st called up was to seek help with councelling party, from there then I seek treatments with a psychiatrist.
As I had said in my others post, I was not able to get proper treatments due to the fact that I was not able to resign, thus my condition got worst everday.
Until oneday, I A&E hosipital coz of severe pain in the gastric. I A&E a few times with different hospitals as they were all not able to determind whats wrong with me. I also seek others tradition treatments too, e.g accupunture.
Finally 1 day a doctor diagnosed that it actually system breakdown, which is in my case, organ-stomach. It had shut down, refused to work was his ways of telling me that this body can no longer take in anymore stress.
my severe stomach pain started in 2005 and tormented me for about a year.
some friends thought I may had stomach cancer and told me to go checkup.
when i stopped working in 2006, I was introduced to see a private psychiatrist.
From there, I started taking medicines to help me sleep and calm down.
There are many types of medicines for treating stress related patient, there is no 1 medicine suitable for anxiety disorder, each person is different and reaction to those drugs also different. The doctor will start with small dosage of a drug for u to take for abt a week, then he will ask u how ur days for that week and how is the drugs.
If he find the drug not suitable he will change to another type and ask u take another week, then same thing until he found a drug suitable for u to take and the dosage will increase from there on and as u get better he will reduce the dosage again.
Also all those drugs prescribed by psychiatrist all have side effects which are bad for the human body and thus are not for long term treatments.
seeing a psychiatrist is not just taking medicines, he will also chat with u and slowly talk to you and you slowly tell him everthing about your problems. offcourse each minute and hour with him will cost you money.
I had seen NUH and Alexandra hospital psychiatris, but I can tell and feel that they were not listening to me and doesnt care, probably they had to see hundreds of ppl like me every days and not able to give me their full attention. They only able to see u max of abt 5-10mins per visit and give u your medicines for few weeks to a month.
And by the way when I said I was cured, This took me 2years+ of resting a home alone. I was seeing that private psychiatris for about a year then stopped,
It's very expensive, a few hundreds per visit for that 30mins or so.
my stomach no longer give me anymore pain in 2008 and that is when I know I was cured, no more torture from the pain or cramps. But this dont means I am back to a normal person I still cannot tolerate noisy environment especially with many peoples. I travel with bus/mrt and I always need my ipod with me all the time else i will go hyperventilation again.
This is my experience, believe it or not. I dont need to give u all the details about what actually happens all those years.
I really hate how people treat anxiety like it's not a serious thing. They don't realise that it really does affect a person's life until they can't function properly. Medical doctors practically don't even give a crap because when they check your body and didn't find any physical illness they will ask you to go home and not treat you seriously. I went to ttsh and the doctor practically said she cannot do anything because she is not a psychiatrist.
Originally posted by Noeating2013:Jojobeach, you are not a mental patient and you don’t go through the whole process.If you go through it, you will not support the evil IMH for what they have done to us.
Do you think you are mentally ill? it sounds to me, from your own logic, you are a "Real mental patient" who "won’t tell you to seek help from IMH", may be that is why you need to eat medicine for the rest of your life.
So why did your father brought you to IMH? for not eating and keeping long hair?
Originally posted by x23:Anyone here suffer from anxiety disorder? How do you get past in life - schools/jobs because it tends to get in the way of your life. Not to mention the horrible panic attacks.
I don't suffer from anxiety disorder, or any other form of depression. But someone very close to me used to. And believe me, it can be healed!
As someone here correctly said, you need to see doctor or psychiatrist, medicine helps.
you also should have someone close to you to whom you can confide. This is very important. They can be your parents, your siblings or your friends, someone you can really trust, someone to whom you can show your heart and mind. It is very important to speak out, don't let anything buried in you but continue to hurt you. It may be from your parents, or your friends long long time ago. It may also be your own high expectation for yourself and unknowingly you put too much pressure on yourself.
My close friend got out of it, she stopped taking medicine because she had no more problem, she didn't take medicine to stop the problem. It is now 8 years since!
You have to believe in yourself, have confidence. If you can get out of this, whether it is from your parents or friends, you can get out of this from your bosses, your friends, for there is no safehouse in life that you will also have love and no fear).
One more thing, my friend got a religion, that helped.
Good luck and have a nice day.
First of all, Depression and Anxiety disorder are closely related and they are not mental disorder.
I believe IMH also hav psychiatrists but do we need to go IMH just for Depression or Anxiety Disorder? We dont need doctors who treat mad ppls in IMH cause we are not.
In order for a depressed or anxiety person to get better, first and foremost, the environment is the most important factor, the place where u spent most of your time. If its a hectic place you probally will get worst instead of better.
Second, Friends and Familes, they can be helpfully or may not at all. If u wanna talk about your stuffs with friends, are they able to listen and dont treat you as thou you are having some sort of mental illness? So choose wisely whom you confid with.
Lastly, it take times to heal, long periods from my own experience.
We are more sensitive than most common ppl, any slight action, expression, we already can feel and tell in our heart. So most of the time is more of a dissapointment instead of some concern we get and in the end we stop trusting ppl to talk to.
That is why we need seek someone who we can trust and slowly talk to.
For me a third party whom I dont knw at all, is more suitable. After gaining my trust with this person (counsellor, psychiatris) then slowly I start to confid with her/him.
There will be episode reorcurring while you are confiding to them. I rem my session with my trusted psychiatris, after a few minutes of talking, I already into severe hyperventilation and the session had to end.
I told the psychiatrist STOP, enough for me and ran out of the room to some corner and start chain smoking, He then came after me and gave me medicine to calm down and make another date to see him again. It a long tedious precess.
Medicines only can assit us but cannot cure us. If you think just by seeing a doctor and get those pills for your depression or anxiety disorder is going to cure you, you are so wrong.
Those medicine only can help condition your body so u can deal with your problems slowly and overcome it.
Take some holistic approach and make sure you take it seriously.As time moves on, it can be more and more difficult.
Bouncerboy, thank you for sharing.
My friend went through very similar ordeal as yours.
She came from a abusive family but managed to put herself through university and became a professional.
Her family keeps insisting she was acting up to get attention whenever her depression got really bad.
I am glad you are able to bring awareness to people who need help and the ones who are ignorant.
Originally posted by x23:Some parents are scared of their kids for example my narcissistic 'brother'. But if parents don't do what is necesssary to teach their kids, they will disrespect them and take advantage of them. And this is pretty much prevalent in today's society where kids are so rude to their parents they basically treat them like dirt.
I think you are sorely misguided.
Beating , scare tactics and coercion only creates resentments, not respect.
children are not stupid, they will realise the BS their parents heaped on them, and lose respect and admiration for their parents by the time they become pre-teens.
There are better ways to earn respect from children. Motivation, inspiration and setting a good role model helps.
Fillial piety is not a one way street. It's a cycle where parents care for their children, provide guidance when they are young, when children grows up they care for and guide their parents during old age.
Originally posted by x23:Anyone here suffer from anxiety disorder? How do you get past in life - schools/jobs because it tends to get in the way of your life. Not to mention the horrible panic attacks.
I suggest you go look up internet for Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Attend it ! It is a great mind opener, it really matures a person and help the person to see the truth in life. But it requires a lot of discipline, you have to attend it every Monday and do a lot of homework. This homework trains your mind, makes you more perseverant and mature to handle problems in life.
sounds satanic
May I ask what symptoms does a person with anxiety shows?