I'm studying year one in a polytechnic.
Grades aren't too good, I don't think I can ever go to a local university.
I just feel so dumb and stupid. I think I might have regretted coming to a polytechnic.
But heck, I can only go to a polytechnic because I flunked my o levels.
First semester, I had a grade point average of 3.3
I know it's crap and I cannot get to a local university.
I don't think I want to continue with this course, but I am not sure of what course to do.
Can I appeal for a junior college next year?
I feel like dying right now. I really feel like dying dying dying.
study hard
still can go uniSIM
No matter what education level you get, you still can find job. Sucks or no sucks, still got job. hehe so go do whatever you want to!
Who knows, you might be better in business than in academics :x