Originally posted by FireIce:the diff between the 80� and 90�
what nonsense you writing here?
Originally posted by jlowbog:maybe u should mellow down yr ego…u wish to trigger feeling of superiority n usefulness over yr classmate by becoming better than them… u can be competitive but in a good way, like be a better student than the rest so tat u can help them instead of boosting yr own ego…for yr teammate, the role of a leader is to realize, develop n unleash yr members potentials instead of blaming them…take it as a challenge to get them moving, give them guidelines n show them the roles well…
mayb you should keep your opinions to yourself.
then all no need join forum le loh.
u got 1 idea your classmate got 1 idea.
If u don't share, u got only 1 idea, if u share, u got 2 ideas.
Hope it helps.
then quarrel to use whose idea.