I believe this is not the right mindset I should have.. But I kinda cant stand my current family anymore.
Too biased. (Any argument, my brothers are always right)
Embarrassing. (They dun have very good mindset about my future MIL. The things she buys for my family, my family always hiam..)
Now the way I leave no diff from renting a room from them like that..
PS. why is it always alright for them to compared us(kids) with another kids, but will always scold us if we compare them with other parents? [eg. since young, if i wanna get anything, she says go be other pple's kid luh]
You are sorely mistaken if you think getting married is your escape route from your toxic family.
First you need to acknowledge your family members are toxic, they simply are negative people and there is no way you can please them.
They will always find something to be unhappy about no matter what you do, or what your in-laws do.
The toxic behavior will eventually spill over into your marriage and ruin your marital life. Toxic family members are also very manipulative.
Toxic and negative people do not like seeing other people live happy life... and they will pull you down to their unhappy level.
Once you are aware, you need to shield yourself from their negativity. When you are married , you need to shield your husband and your in-laws from your family's negativity.
Do not allow yourself to be victims of toxic people.
I feel you=( i had a similair case. just that my whole family hates my boyfriend....haiz... I really dunno what to do...shld i just be a bad daughter for once? i cant image the day of my marriage and they are not appearingT.T
Originally posted by jojobeach:Toxic and negative people do not like seeing other people live happy life...
why they so evil?
Originally posted by Dalforce 1941:why they so evil?
they might have been hurt throughoutly in the past, esp. TS's parents who passed it down to their son(TS's bros). they left no hope in this world. They are unable to pick themslves up setback after setback. They are WEAK, hence they wanna act tough.
If u still care for your family, a lighter and gentle touch regarding their issues will help alot to release their negativity in them, but do beware that if they dun wanna be 'saved from their misery' , no amount of things u do can change them, ultimately, they still need to depend on themselves.
If u decided to bo chup your family and get married, .....TBC
I same like u. My mother favourtive my 2nd sister. Always use me compare with her. Use me do this do that. She claim that my sister don't do this don't do that. She always put good word for her. My mother no any education come from poor family, treat me as a useless person always nagged at me always scold, beat, we are head strong. I am hearing impaired. She think hearing impaired no hope no future no income no finance look down I am elder daughter. Very negative mind always listen to my sister. Never understand my feeling I end suicide. My mother's side family too look down on me. When neighbor or my mother's friends ask who is elder/ second daughter she say my sister 1st child , I am 2nd child she say save her time explain why I in short height , my sis tall height. I am married already. I have been sexual abuse by my cousin when I am kid young age, I never tell my family this happening to me.