For a start join coummunity activities, meet new friends so that you have other alternative voice of caring & sharing. Next meditate before you sleep so that your mind is not stuck in such negative reminder.
You might want to change your number too
I wouldn't even call the people you call 'friends' friends.
just tell them 咱一刀两æ–ï¼�
Get new friends! Like me, I like to hang around with academically-sucessful people. I went for many conference and now I have some contacts. One of them is a doctor at KK hospital! :)
Depending on what people you want to mix with, go to places filled with them.
depend what kind of friends u wanna make
u can make friend taking up courses also
buddhism or bible course if u want to know holy friends
sports if u like outdoor friends
paralegal course? i tell u some of the legal secertary are damn chio one
if u like to stay at home type then come forums make friend lor
Just avoid them then, change ur numbers or tell them that you do not wish to hangout with them anymore.
Given that if they are mature enuff, they would at most disturb you awhile then move on... Unlike that they will hound u for the rest of ur life.
As for more friends, go join community service or hobby group or social/charity work...
Alternatively you can join the single club over here though they also drink something at night Just drop pika an email and I'm sure that he'll invite you to their movie/pool outings...
Originally posted by Andylim348:I suppose today, i realize why I have no friends, I suppose that the world is against me.
Today, I got bullied very badly by my colleagues.
My colleagues say that I am always angry.
But the thing is, I feel that I am being discriminated against.
My manager side with my colleague without checking with me for my side of the story or confirming the facts with me.
I have thought of suicide but I am too much of a coward.
So I drown myself in drink and alochol but at the end of the day, I am just a miserable loser.
My colleagues hate me, everybody hates me. I have no friends.
Why should the world be like this.
That's because YOU hate your self.
YOU are angry at yourself.
An unhappy person cannot exude happiness.
An angry person cannot exude kindess.
You simply cannot give what you do not have.
And coward indeed, you expect others to solve your problem for you. When you could have gone up to the manager to offer your side of the story YOURSELF.
Start taking responsibility for your own happiness and stand up on your own.
Stop playing the victim.You're not the victim.
The negativity in you is pushing everyone away.