Also on the point of private diploma vs polytechnic diploma, I have little knowledge in this area but to me it sounds like it depends on certain things.
First is time, whether you can afford to spend 3 years or you have to get out there immediately. If you feel yourself being a burden on your family etc. for your studies, you need to really sit down and have a good chat with them. Because it seems like taking a shorter year course and rushing in a lot of knowledge will only provide you with the barest understanding of things, making the future seem even more hellish, unless you study with all your heart and live like a shut-in like those ronin students in Japan. Even then I think that more time to learn to better.
Second is money, you have to do a bit of weighing out here. I'm assuming here that private is more expensive than poly. This one is also going to be about your family income, so you have to talk it out.
Thirdly links back to my previous post, your will. Having more time to recuperate and find your footing is going to help you a lot and give you the will to get through your studies, of course I have no idea how time time you can actually afford to do so, but if you can take a longer course and spend more time thinking about your life, building your knowledge and getting motivated, it would be a lot more useful than trying to rush things quickly. If you think you can do a private course though, you can also do it.
Just putting in my two cents.
Hey, i also have some friends in that same position as u, just living one day and another by it is. But they all decide to make a difference, by taking a different route, that doesn't need any paper qualification for success, and that is by joining my current company. They are actually my personal mentors who some were previously gangsters, what people would say as good for nothings, but through the training program offered by company and the exposure gained, they are earning no less than a few thousand with just an O lvl cert, some even PSLE, living very decent lifes. I too would like u to have this opportunity to justify urself in society and among ur friends and family. Mayb u can contact me directly via my no. (81242457) to know more about what we are doing?
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