go test DNA lar
your predicament is a result of your indiscretion. you have to answer for your own actions, good or bad. you are now reaping the evil fruits of your affair.
what you need to do is to sincere repent and make a commitment to your hubby that you will not stray again. if he believes you and willing to give you a chance, all is well, otherwise your marriage is disintegrating. no one can help you but yourself.
Hello? All guys who have affairs wear condoms.
accidents do happen even wth protection la..
1. www.marriagecentral.sg
2. http://app1.mcys.gov.sg/Policies/Marriages/MarriageCounselling.aspx
Many married couples grow apart when saddled with the stresses of everyday life, differing expectations and conflicts that keep mounting.
Do not wait till it is too late to go for help. Relationships do not fall apart overnight. The longer the problem stays, the more the relationship becomes strained.
If you find yourself in a marriage that is falling apart, and are unable to work out your issues alone, consider seeking professional help by seeing a Marriage Counsellor. You have nothing to lose.
A marriage counsellor can help you and your spouse:
You can seek counselling at a Family Service Centre or any other counselling centre.
Muslim couples who have domestic problems may first approach any Family Service Centres (FSCs). There are trained marriage counsellors at FSCs to help you and your spouse.
You can also go to the Syariah Court (SYC) which offerings counselling to Muslim couples with marital difficulties. Please note that marriage counselling is a mandatory part of the divorce proceedings.
Family Service Centres (FSCs)
FSCs are a key community-based focal point and social service
provider for families in Singapore. They are staffed with
professional social workers who provide premarital counselling
services. Please call ComCare Call at 1800-222-0000 for the Family
Service Centre nearest to you.
Syariah Court
SYC offers counselling for Muslim couples with marital
difficulties; mediation in divorce cases with the aim to settle the
ancillary issues amicably; and, providing adjudication on divorce
and related issues under the provisions of the Administration of
Muslim Law Act (AMLA).
AWARE counsellors provide counselling for individuals, couples, and families.
Maintaining strict confidentiality, our professional team can assist women in areas such as:
Call our Helpline to find out more about our Counselling services.
Freqently Asked Questions
The AWARE Helpline is open Monday to Friday from 3pm to 9.30pm.
Call 1800 774 5935 to speak to a Helpliner if you have a problem or want to find out more about our services.
Association of Women for Action & Research (AWARE)
an ordinary man's thinking is that no man will want his woman to be shared by other men.
it's vice versa for women as well.
as a woman, you will also not want your man to be shared by other women.
put yourself in his shoes.
he is still undecided on how to take the issue... alternatively, it mayb that theres still love for you. Forgiving you might not be an easy thing... i believe the children are also reasons as to why he hasn't been "reacting" to the issue.
you need to communicate this with him. if you failed to communicate with him or vice versa, the marriaged is doomed to fail. but first have you repented and undertake not to commit adultery again to him? if not dun bother.
Originally posted by Rednano:
an ordinary man's thinking is that no man will want his woman to be shared by other men.
it's vice versa for women as well.
as a woman, you will also not want your man to be shared by other women.put yourself in his shoes.
1. he has doubts on who the baby's father is...
please prove via medical means such as DNA...etc.
2. renew your marriage vows.
renewing marriage vows helps couples reminiscing their days leading to ROM.
it's to remind couples - young and old - of their love of and commitment to each other for eternity.
Do have some comments for you.. already PM-ed... Hopefully it helps.
Hey Aneslayer...I know its you.
Cut out the prank.
Originally posted by [imdestinyz]:Do have some comments for you.. already PM-ed... Hopefully it helps.
You've been taken for a ride...its an Aneslayer
Had a gf cheat on me. trated her like a whore for 3 months and used her when I wanted to. Then dumped her really hard.
All the cheating b1tches.