My bf is 26 and I'm 23 this year. I'm still a virgin but he's not, he had slept with 3 of his ex gfs before. We are really different in our personalities, individual lives and the way we were brought up. He also told me before that he was attacted to me because I am everything he isn't. He was the bad boy when he was younger (in the eyes of our families and our friends) but thankfully for him, his family is quite well off, thus they sent him to UK to do his A levels and degree. While I'm the goody girl next door whom follows the nicely planned out route for me. I've also met his family but he isn't ready to meet mine because he is worried how they would judge his past. When his mum saw me, she actually asked him if he was serious with me and told him not to hurt him in any way.
We have been dating for 1 month, we are doing all fine and good. He asked to make love nearly all the times we were on bed and we did everything except sex already. I told him that I'm still not ready and he's willingly to wait and didn't force me any further. But I could tell that he really wants to make love together.
Anyway, he drove me to somewhere really romantic last night and we started kissing, the mood was really right. After that, he wanted to send me home but I wanted to sleep over at his place (I've been staying over his place quite regularly already and he's staying alone) He then told me that if we go to his place like that, we would end up doing it. I didn't say anything and I just wanna spend the whole night with him. I could really feel that this time the mood was a little different and my hands are shivering. I guess I was prepared already to give myself totally to him, and at the last moment before he inserted into me, he turned away, laughed and said 'Now you're ready and I'm not.' He said he loves me too much and he knows that I see virginity as smt very impt and he wants me sure that he's worthy of it. Why didn't he want to do it with me when he's been asking for it? I'm confused..
What the heck? If he can't finish the job ...I'll come in for him !
PM me...I give good pleasure.
If u are gonna have sex.
Are you expecting some kind of gratitude from him? If yes, please don't.
Are you wanting it for yourself or just to please him? For yourself , ok. If For him, please don't.
Are you expecting him to stay loyal after you gave up virginity for him? If u do, please don't do it.
Some boys will dump you after they get their way. Are you prepared for it ?
If you do anyway, please use condom.
He slept with other girls, you don't know if he has any disease. The window is about 6 months for blood test to show if he has STD, and a possibility of a false result. So he may have to go back and get another blood test in few months time.
You only know him for 1 month, it's too risky to have sex with him.
1. PRESSURE. I don't like the idea of abortion.
2. When his mum saw me, she actually asked him if he was serious with me and told him not to hurt him in any way.
3. Why didn't he want to do it with me when he's been asking for it? I'm confused..
no condom perhaps? Idk, I don't like the idea without it. Baby can be a big problem to me. Oh yeah, most boys will dump you when you give urself in. So, be prepared for it.
there'sore you can do other than sex in a relationship. like me and angel - we photoshoot, in hotel room.
Just enjoy the sex, practice responsible sex. That is all that matters.
Originally posted by Yeom89:My bf is 26 and I'm 23 this year. I'm still a virgin but he's not, he had slept with 3 of his ex gfs before. We are really different in our personalities, individual lives and the way we were brought up. He also told me before that he was attacted to me because I am everything he isn't. He was the bad boy when he was younger (in the eyes of our families and our friends) but thankfully for him, his family is quite well off, thus they sent him to UK to do his A levels and degree. While I'm the goody girl next door whom follows the nicely planned out route for me. I've also met his family but he isn't ready to meet mine because he is worried how they would judge his past. When his mum saw me, she actually asked him if he was serious with me and told him not to hurt him in any way.
We have been dating for 1 month, we are doing all fine and good. He asked to make love nearly all the times we were on bed and we did everything except sex already. I told him that I'm still not ready and he's willingly to wait and didn't force me any further. But I could tell that he really wants to make love together.
Anyway, he drove me to somewhere really romantic last night and we started kissing, the mood was really right. After that, he wanted to send me home but I wanted to sleep over at his place (I've been staying over his place quite regularly already and he's staying alone) He then told me that if we go to his place like that, we would end up doing it. I didn't say anything and I just wanna spend the whole night with him. I could really feel that this time the mood was a little different and my hands are shivering. I guess I was prepared already to give myself totally to him, and at the last moment before he inserted into me, he turned away, laughed and said 'Now you're ready and I'm not.' He said he loves me too much and he knows that I see virginity as smt very impt and he wants me sure that he's worthy of it. Why didn't he want to do it with me when he's been asking for it? I'm confused..
Just a bit off track.
Wolves are vicious and they attack and devour other weak animal for breakfast. But they are known to recognise babies and adopt them. Which means they are not that bad after all. Don't bet on it. Wolves are wolves.
Your bf sees women as sluts, except his mother, grand mother, aunties,and sisters, now include one more, you.
Don't fall for him, he wants you, like he wants his mother, pure and chaste, stay at home, look after the family, while he goes out as a predator looking out for sluts.
His mother knows his traits. That why the precaution.
You proved he could do it in about a month, which would be his standard about women. He believes he can lay any women. Thats why he didn't do it. There was no need, its not sex he want, he wants victory, he won. To him going after sex is a game, to you sex is something sacred. (I hope I am right about you, otherwise you confirm his attitude towards women, and be No. 4)
Don't be hopeful about him. You love him and all else will be fairy tale, is a pit fall many young girls like you fell into. Get out while you are still intact. He is not a good catch.
Wolves are wolves.
may b the bf is short you know. since TS first time see manhood, may not know the international ISO standard. strightness / curvature, length and thickness very important.
Its the twist that makes the hook...
姜太公: 鱼,ä¸�æ˜¯è¿™æ ·é’“çš„...
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:may b the bf is short you know. since TS first time see manhood, may not know the international ISO standard. strightness / curvature, length and thickness very important.
You forget to add one thing. Hardness of the material
Thanks for all the replies! appreciated them greatly.
I've been a no premarital sex person until I met him. But I really do want to spend my life with him while he sees that he's unworthy of me because of his past. I don't see any issues though because I love him and what's most impt is our future ahead.
Anyway, he wanted it last night but I told him no. Cos I'm not too sure what he's thinking again. He said he was too tired the other night but hey! He was the one who initiated everything and stopped at the last point. Whether he playing mind games with me or whatever, I've decided not to give in easily again.
Well, wish you all the best.
...and they lived happily ever after.
Huat arh! happy national dae
Originally posted by Facebook102:You forget to add one thing. Hardness of the material
u forgot one thing too. How long can he last..
Originally posted by Yeom89:Thanks for all the replies!
appreciated them greatly.
I've been a no premarital sex person until I met him. But I really do want to spend my life with him while he sees that he's unworthy of me because of his past. I don't see any issues though because I love him and what's most impt is our future ahead.Anyway, he wanted it last night but I told him no. Cos I'm not too sure what he's thinking again. He said he was too tired the other night but hey! He was the one who initiated everything and stopped at the last point. Whether he playing mind games with me or whatever, I've decided not to give in easily again.
why do u wanna spend your life with him? Are u very clear of the reason?
Originally posted by kengkia:u forgot one thing too. How long can he last..
maybe why strip he sees so many hole, don;t know which one to take
TS's bf is supposed to be experienced, with a record of 3 exs on his bed prior
Originally posted by mr music:Maybe he is a gay
Originally posted by Yeom89:My bf is 26 and I'm 23 this year. I'm still a virgin but he's not, he had slept with 3 of his ex gfs before. We are really different in our personalities, individual lives and the way we were brought up. He also told me before that he was attacted to me because I am everything he isn't. He was the bad boy when he was younger (in the eyes of our families and our friends) but thankfully for him, his family is quite well off, thus they sent him to UK to do his A levels and degree. While I'm the goody girl next door whom follows the nicely planned out route for me. I've also met his family but he isn't ready to meet mine because he is worried how they would judge his past. When his mum saw me, she actually asked him if he was serious with me and told him not to hurt him in any way.
We have been dating for 1 month, we are doing all fine and good. He asked to make love nearly all the times we were on bed and we did everything except sex already. I told him that I'm still not ready and he's willingly to wait and didn't force me any further. But I could tell that he really wants to make love together.
Anyway, he drove me to somewhere really romantic last night and we started kissing, the mood was really right. After that, he wanted to send me home but I wanted to sleep over at his place (I've been staying over his place quite regularly already and he's staying alone) He then told me that if we go to his place like that, we would end up doing it. I didn't say anything and I just wanna spend the whole night with him. I could really feel that this time the mood was a little different and my hands are shivering. I guess I was prepared already to give myself totally to him, and at the last moment before he inserted into me, he turned away, laughed and said 'Now you're ready and I'm not.' He said he loves me too much and he knows that I see virginity as smt very impt and he wants me sure that he's worthy of it. Why didn't he want to do it with me when he's been asking for it? I'm confused..
It doesn't matter whether he has slept with 3-exs or if you hold conservative value of having virginal purity until marriage - at the end of the day, it lies somewhere between what both of you are willing to compromise and negotiate, in consideration of each other's value and in view of a long term relationship.
It seem that you are physically comfortable with him, which is a signal that you do enjoy some degree of close intimacy. As much as you are thinking and working out your 'risk profile' analysis, he is also working out if he should 'negotiate' his own sexual needs to give you the respect you need because he knows that it is important to you.
I am not suggesting that your man doesn't want sex - like how you have sense it, he probably wanted it. The difference might be the fact that his previous gfs might not hold that kind of value that you do (as strongly) or he might want to 'try a different approach' to the way he manage his relationship.
The possibilities are endless, but I would choose to see it as a good sign - that your man made the decision and did what you have described. Do not attribute it as a weakness personally, in which you might have deem yourself less attractive in any ways. 'Physical Touch' is only one mode of expression in love; after all, we have other four languages of love (namely: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts and Acts of Services). A balance relationship would also have a good mix of the other expressions in love.
Mod Yunhaier is indeed standing out from the rest. You speak differently, i am impressed.
i may wanna add on something else : Why TS's bf's was out of relationship 3 times? is it with the bf himself?