PRC people very violent. But their chicks very chio.
Just the other day, I was at the zoo when this PRC fair skin chick ask me to take photo for her and her boyfriend.
VEry chio.
Originally posted by speakoutfor:PRC people very violent. But their chicks very chio.
Just the other day, I was at the zoo when this PRC fair skin chick ask me to take photo for her and her boyfriend.
VEry chio.
love thy neighbour
Originally posted by GhostStalker:
To me my principle is anyone from PRC is access denied.... No way now... no way in the future.... I Detest PRC....
Yes I agree. PRC people very rude, no manners.
But their PRC females got nice skin toning, fair skin and sexy. I don't mind PRC girls.
As long as no taiwanese girls - they very busybody.
Originally posted by speakoutfor:Yes I agree. PRC people very rude, no manners.
But their PRC females got nice skin toning, fair skin and sexy. I don't mind PRC girls.
As long as no taiwanese girls - they very busybody.
givdeal with this type of prc you have to be more firece than them. get some local ah beng help. seriously if you have problem let me know their location. pm mee me your neighbour address. i fix your problem. pm me the address.
Haha~ first you quietly take it in...
If matters get out of hand maybe try having a chat with them!
Dun spoil the relationship!
Kindly remind them they r not in China anymore.
If they want to act like uneducated, uncivilized China poo, they should just go back to China where they belong , among the same type of people.
Are they watching cable TV without paying it ?
You get my drift ?
cook curry
it will drive them away
Hey hey hey what's up....
PRC also human okay?
Don't because of cultural difference and start to detest one another..
Must learn how to embrace each other's culture and make friends!
like what jojo and jocelyn said, be kind to one another.
Originally posted by Medicated Oil:Are they watching cable TV without paying it ?
You get my drift ?
Which drift, Tokyo dift or ECP drift.
Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:Hey hey hey what's up....
PRC also human okay?
Don't because of cultural difference and start to detest one another..
Must learn how to embrace each other's culture and make friends!
like what jojo and jocelyn said, be kind to one another.
Nothing is up, humans mah, be it PRC, Indian or Locals, sure got negative feeling, you also cannot blame our locals negative behavioral toward them.
Let said if one day, SIngaporean all go to Shanghai or Mumbai to work as foreigners, how would the locals there treat them, I guess more worst than what is happening here, at least people here just talk and forget about it, they never use violences and nasty way of treating others.
Singaporeans, in fact is already very kind to foreigners, that is why, more are coming.
Jam their television with a disrupter when they watch tv.
Splash Milo dinosaur on their door.
giv me the address, consider it as problem solved.
Originally posted by angel7030:Splash Milo dinosaur on their door.
My favourite reply in this thread
lao sai jui!
put superglue in their lock
but check for cctv 1st, i wong u
Originally posted by TehJarVu:put superglue in their lock
but check for cctv 1st, i wong u
use an umbrella to cover ur face and emerge from a corner where the camera cannot catch u using the umbrella hide ur face
then chain their door
wear a bear suit, cover up , cctv big fuck?! smash the CCTV!
Paste this on their door: