Hi! Recent events in my life have cost me to quit my job and now jobless, depress, and lost in my life direction. I really am lost. Dont know what to do. Advice? Who else have faced this problem before in their life? Sorry if my message is short and unclear. Alot of thoughs are running in my heard, cant thing clearly. Sian...
this is life, face it. do something about it.
Get a pen and paper.
Bring out the thought from your mind into the paper.
Once you can define your problems, discuss with your wife on the solution.
Next, go and see a doctor.
Try meditation, it helps to reduce stress
Thanks. I'm single... so I guess that one problem lesser. Sian... I just dont know what I want to do in my life. Not that I know what to do before. Still now is like I worry about my age and as a guy in early 30s... no career path. You know how somepeople think. Something I wish we are born with a manual. Ha ha. Life will be easier. Just be brainless and follow.
Originally posted by CheezyS:Hi! Recent events in my life have cost me to quit my job and now jobless, depress, and lost in my life direction. I really am lost. Dont know what to do. Advice? Who else have faced this problem before in their life? Sorry if my message is short and unclear. Alot of thoughs are running in my heard, cant thing clearly. Sian...
log off , sign in under another name,pretend the TS isn't you.
read the post and think what you would logically tell another person to do.
you're just feeling lost because it's you going through all this
Ha ha. Interesting idea. I think I will just wait for other peoples story and advice, instead of giving myself any. I think I will be thinking, Ya~! I got an emo buddy now. -_-u
The show must go on even when every step you take is burdened. 路是人走出�的. Just Keep on moving...
Yo why so despair?
Lose job is not end of the world. Is setback but you can always get back up again.
Sitting and whinning is not going to improve your situation by 1 milimeter.
Plan with the limited resources you got. What do you want to do? Go back to study? Go apply for job? What kind of job you want?
Yesterday I watch this great man, Mr Lim Guan Eng. He was an opposition politician. When he started his career, he received many threats. His lowest turning point was when he tried to help an underage malay girl who was alledgedly having an affair with a powerful politician, he was convicted by a draconian law to go to jail for a year. Because of that he was considered a criminal, his parliamentary seat was removed unconstitutionally. His membership with the local accountancy body was rescinded.
Years later, he slowly clawed back into the political picture. The chinese community saw how he suffered for standing up to the oppressors. So they voted him to become the Penang Chief Minister.
You must persevere.
Let me tell you another story.
I hear recently of this mid 40s lady. Very successful in her career. A human resource director. She is married with two kids and live in a big banglo house with modern furnishings.
Just two weeks ago, she was diagnosed with 4th stage cancer. She was so distraught and felt like ending her life. But she had her family and friends around her to encourage her.
What about you? You have a healthy body with two hands and two legs. You are not dying of a painful and debilitating disease like cancer. So your situation is not as bad as it looks.
Thanks guys. All are very nice and motivating storys. However, my mind will tent to finds reasons to stay depress. If it was easy to be happy, there wont be so much adv and products on motivation talks and pills. I tried. I constantly looking for help. Like the guy "life with out limbs" and also books/video by dalai lama. I just fall back down again and again and again... I want to give up and just rot. Have to compete with the foreign talent for work. Sian... 'the place i called home'?
Just wanted to share. If you can see the "Light" from this video. Good for u.
Nick Vujicic - "Something More" Music Video
Originally posted by CheezyS:Thanks guys. All are very nice and motivating storys. However, my mind will tent to finds reasons to stay depress. If it was easy to be happy, there wont be so much adv and products on motivation talks and pills. I tried. I constantly looking for help. Like the guy "life with out limbs" and also books/video by dalai lama. I just fall back down again and again and again... I want to give up and just rot. Have to compete with the foreign talent for work. Sian... 'the place i called home'?
thing is, most of the people I met who think they have a direction in life didn't get it from other people,
if things get bad they realise it's depressing, and they stop think and take active steps to solve the "problem"
most others ..... are more like myself, promising a new exercise regime when the butts are glued to the chair.... so it gets more depressing and nothing gets done which repeats the vicious cycle when your guilt comes in from getting nothing done.
the same pile of shit is still there no matter how many times you play peek a boo with it.
for most of my working life......... I'm the lucky kind I guess, never had to do much. somehow you cover your eyes and the pile of shit gets swipe away by someone for the price of a meal.
Had to move on and work by myself nowadays, no colleagues. and the magic thing that usually happens with the pile of paper isn't happening these days.
with work at least your colleagues can help out. But where your personal life is concerned, I think you need to understand the responsibility is yours alone. when decisions are made you have to take responsibility for it. when things go wrong, it's actually your fault. it's always lonely when it comes to important decisions. you can't decide and blame your wife for not stopping you when things go wrong.
and avoiding making a decision makes things worse. motivational talks are crap if you're not a motivated person inthe first place. no point getting riled up at a talk then slump back once you reach home.
join church. But not city harvest.
buy a digital camella, start taking photos. kills time
like me now a gwc take girls pollos in hotel
Originally posted by CheezyS:Hi! Recent events in my life have cost me to quit my job and now jobless, depress, and lost in my life direction. I really am lost. Dont know what to do. Advice? Who else have faced this problem before in their life? Sorry if my message is short and unclear. Alot of thoughs are running in my heard, cant thing clearly. Sian...
You arrived at this juncture in life because of the choices u made in your past.
As long as u can admit your mistakes, u can move ahead and not make the same error again.
If you are a blamer and whiner, no one can help u. Because u can never see your own fault.
If the path u had taken didn't work out for you, that simply means u need to take another path in life. U are in a rut, because you keep trying to go down the same path over and over again.
We live and learn until the day we die. When we die, our life story becomes someone else's lesson.
Nothing you can do about it. Stress of living in high expectation workplace will always be there.
I don't really like development. I like the simple life. I wonder would it better had singapore been a sleepy fishing village rather than a metropolitan first world nation with overdevelopment.
Depression problem? Think the only way to solve it is to get used to where you are and then try to do something about it.
Cause medication is not going to help at all.
this would happen sooner or later tp almost everyone.
life is like a bottle of coca cola.u drink it day by day,then suddenly u find u run outa coca cola or the coca cola u used to buy tastes like some cockroach has been swimming in it from the factory.
the what?cry over the coca cola?u get an alternative of course!with the internet,anything is possible nowadays to solve any problem.
Just try not to go near reservoir or the skypark at MBS.
Find a simple job, one that do not call for much stress, like information counter staff, pay wise, expect lesser, than from there stablise yourself before you embark on yr next journey in life.
Life aint long, play hard