All my life I have felt lonely & tired. Not when I'm alone, but when im amongst the crowd, in groups or amongst friends. In spite of my preference for solitude, i long deeply in my heart for some1 who understands. I thought that there might be something wrong with me. Even 1 girl that i liked commented that i might be crazy from some of my actions.
I tried identifying myself with various groups of mental disabilities, but couldn't find the similiarities. Today, i went through a cluster of vids on youtube of people with Asperger's syndrome(something less well known on the end of the utism spectrum). A spark lighted up in me. So please anyone with Aspergers, i wish to meet you. I am not a diagnosed Asperger, i just need some1 who understands, i just need to find out. thank you.
go find out from doctors, don't disturb people
watever the ass, please go and seek professional help asap
Mark Zuckerberg got asperger's syndrome.
You definitely not have asperger syndrome or else you won't be here posting rubbish and trying to diagnosed yourself with imaginery psychological diseases - instead you would be managing billion dollar corporations with your genius abilities.
Go to a doctor and find out what is wrong with you. Be prepared to pay a lot of bills.
The world has lost lots of talents because they thought there is something wrong with them.
People with Asperger syndrome often display intense interests,
such as this boy's fascination with molecular structure.
which fuckin idiot come up with this illness? so cany medicine to thread?
some people will not be bothered about how people feel they behaviour in public or with peers, or what they eat every day what they wear everyday. nor do they have to please you to to and chat with you to make you feel welcumed. because they have better things to think about and ponder over
like those idiots who do things you don;t like and already ttold them 'hey, don;t do this, don;t push the rubbish stinking cart in my face don;t shaft the mop on mt feet i already told you i will clean my own desk, time again you have to repeat and even raise your voice and the bloody idiot keep cumming, and then they do it on purpose and tell people show people you scold them.
then there is those who cannot stop toking even after work still tok work every tok tok until meeting tok they are repeating the same old things.
fuck this idiot who cum up with this illness that no medicine can suppress and then they call it a syndrome.
whoever cum up with this syndrome must have new syndrome i call 'kaypoji-syndrome'! add this kaypoh-ji syndrome to wikipedia
Originally posted by mancha:The world has lost lots of talents because they thought there is something wrong with them.
People with Asperger syndrome often display intense interests,
such as this boy's fascination with molecular structure.
i have intense interest with my hands, and i use it alwasy at a level below my abdomen or her abdomen
Dear topic starter, ignore the ignorant replies above, for you are a special individual. There are many online communities for Aspies, which you can find via Google. One of my JC friends is an Aspie and although he was weird, he had an amazing personality. I wish Singaporeans would learn to be more accepting of people with physical disabilities and special needs.
Shu :)
humans can say what they want lah, where there are human beings ther will be lots of diff type of kaypoh syndrome.. as long you fdon;t break the alw don;t hurt others, what hamburger syndrome you have can shaft it at a level below your abdomen and feel shioka
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:i have intense interest with my hands, and i use it alwasy at a level below my abdomen or her abdomen
There is no cure for this condition, but if you go to the doctor they will treat you anyway. $$
See the title of this thread for the name of this condition..
This reminds me of Southpark latest season
Where cartman keng he got asperger by putting burgers on his butt...
Originally posted by watergate:All my life I have felt lonely & tired. Not when I'm alone, but when im amongst the crowd, in groups or amongst friends. In spite of my preference for solitude, i long deeply in my heart for some1 who understands. I thought that there might be something wrong with me. Even 1 girl that i liked commented that i might be crazy from some of my actions.
I tried identifying myself with various groups of mental disabilities, but couldn't find the similiarities. Today, i went through a cluster of vids on youtube of people with Asperger's syndrome(something less well known on the end of the utism spectrum). A spark lighted up in me. So please anyone with Aspergers, i wish to meet you. I am not a diagnosed Asperger, i just need some1 who understands, i just need to find out. thank you.
Hi watergate,
You most likely don't have asperger syndrome from the way you wrote.
Asperger syndrome is an in-born disorder. Asperger syndrome have difficulty relating to people. They don't mind loneliness but you don't want to be lonely. Aspergers have trouble knowing what is love in the first place, but found interest in a girl. Aspergers mind their object of interests more, but you longed to be understood by humanity. These traits gather enough evidences that you don't have asperger syndrome.
You might want to browse through OCD symptoms to see if there's any similarity with your actions. You should try browse through anxiety disorder too. There're several types of OCD and anxiety disorder so be sure through browse them. There's not much info on your post, so I can't tell. You may have an undiagnosed mental disorder. Or you may not be having any of these in the first place. You should see a psychiatrist for a proper diagnosis. Seeking info from internets will not make you discover your condition.
Do not listen to some people above because they chose to be ignorant on mental disorders. If you like to know, over 20% local population have a mental disorder ranging from mild to severe visited mental care help. People do not chose to be mentally ill. Seeking help through proper channels is the right thing, than doing nothing and get advices that doesn't help you. Mental disorder doesn't mean they're 100% disfunctional either. 100% disfunctional only applies to extreme cases. Mild to severe cases are common. They can only be functional in certain environments which normal people take granted for. From some of the posts above, you can see how people take granted on their normal lives. They have that mentality of everyone is the same like them without consideration of other difficulties.
Originally posted by mr music:Poor thing. You have no problem just that too lonely. Loneliness can lead to depression, which in turn lead to disillusion that you are sick in the head.
Go out and make more gal friends and see which ones are suitable. Only with a companion, your life will be filled with smiles again.
yep - sex in my mind now
Originally posted by mancha:There is no cure for this condition, but if you go to the doctor they will treat you anyway. $$
See the title of this thread for the name of this condition..
the problem is only when he need to mix with the crowd lah - otehrwise assburger asperger or not will not harm anyone and the world 1 lah. only fear is he harm himself - that one should be depression - fear of suicide
same like thos with kaypohji-syndrome - they need to find their own kind if not they go and disturb people with asperberger syndrome they going to get scodled by the asperger engineerr
kaypoh-ji syndrome is very bad - people who cannot stop toking, cannot stop taking MC, cannot stop fainting, cannot stop cannot stop for a moment one
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:the problem is only when he need to mix with the crowd lah - otehrwise assburger asperger or not will not harm anyone and the world 1 lah. only fear is he harm himself - that one should be depression - fear of suicide
same like thos with kaypohji-syndrome - they need to find their own kind if not they go and disturb people with asperberger syndrome they going to get scodled by the asperger engineerr
kaypoh-ji syndrome is very bad - people who cannot stop toking, cannot stop taking MC, cannot stop fainting, cannot stop cannot stop for a moment one
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:
yep - sex in my mind now
Originally posted by mr music:
Go geylang to relieve yourself. Don't need me to teach you right, if you have a need, you should know automatically what to do.
this post is out of point
Originally posted by mr music:
Are you talking about yourself? Mr Kay poh Look at your number of posts...over 5K! Fancy you saying I am Kay poh.
hurted - so hurted
Hi all, its a syndrome & I wouldn't call it a disorder.
Neither do I consider it a disability.
& it doesn't matter whether mark.z. is making the billions,
& im in sg being called an alien.
Im not that concerned about being diagnosed with it or not. I have lived
life past 20+ years without knowing that i have it. & I have no intention
to leverage or gain preferential treatment if i do have it.
yeah some of you say go geylang to meet my needs. i have a need alright, its
a need to communicate, to be understood. & i communicate not only on the verbal level.
Thank you Special Shu, mr music & OranDe for your kind words :)
& thank you detractors for making this thread interesting.
troublemaker2005 u r funny :)
but the objective of this thread remains the same. I am not seeking help,
don't need it. Just need to find 'like' people & feel normal. This is my goal
Asperger's is not a disabling disorder or syndrome.
Many Aspergers have picked up the skills of their "normal" peers and now they have the advantages without the disadvantages. The problem becomes a gift.
Applying Aspergers strengths you can even become better at getting the girl than a normal person.
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's syndrome or Asperger disorder, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development.
wah like this many of us who doesnt communicate well or have difficulty in social interaction are Asperger lar
Hi watergate,
I am sorry you do not feel quite fit in on this planet. It is tough to feel loneliness deep from the heart. I hear you. Your topic is a good one. It shows how many people are ignorant about the sorrow of others. Generally, most people are uneducated when it comes to mental illness. I do not know if you have Aspergers but even if you do, you are still a special person, authentic and glowing at your core. Mental illness is just like other physical illness. Do not fear, there are people out there who struggle and walk through hell and still survive. I had been there.
OranDe made a very thoughtful reply to your thread. Do more research and talk to people (online, if that makes you comfortable) about Asperger's and other illnesses that you suspect you might have. Just research, do not dwell on it. I would like to recommend you a support site where I am a regular, It is a global side where people from all walks of life and continents share their stories anonymously, on every single topic.
I understand your desire to be diagnosed and find out the facts. I wish you well in your journey of discovering yourself. Please be well.
Oh, so much talk about asperger, so enlightening, Thank guys.
Then what is assperger?
Originally posted by angel7030:Oh, so much talk about asperger, so enlightening, Thank guys.
Then what is assperger?
ass - purg-er
a purson who purges arse.