Originally posted by coolant:
Look at my 2nd post, I did realize Viet Army actually operates S-300 then, but same as Myanmar, IMO, Vietnam’s isolated behavior is hardly taken for reference among the “traditional members of S.E.A” represented by traditional members of ASEAN.
First thing LR SAM is a defensive nature weapon , it is against offending enemy a/c and perhaps missile as well, afterall SG did own one before.
And MY was looking at China KS-1A LR SAM , did anyone tell them not the break the status quo?

If you want to talk abt some new capability that is offensive in nature will be Brahmos LR cruise missile which MY and Indon are interested in them, and that is a new capability that no one in SEA has atm, so in fact they are the one that might be breaking the status quo becos of it's offensive nature!
So isn't the right for someone to have some defensive nature weapon to counter them?
S-400 , Patriot and even Arrow come to mind.
In fact, to maintain the status quo, we should get GPS guided ATACMS as well!!