The UAF is at least 150m from ground level.Why?
See below for details of UAF first.[url]
The UAF is ,in geology term, situate in Bt Timah Formation covering 200 km2.It covers fr Orchard Rd to Woodland,Sembawang to Bt Batok.
Is the stone ,(granite ?) there is few times harder than reinforced cement concrete?
Time to do Maths
2. Let us do a maths quiz.If u radlly know the answer without guess, dunt show off here.I wont care if u get free lunch in detention camp.
How depth is it?No official figure,off course.ZAOBAO 19.04.2002,pg 13,reported that it took 15 mins to the 'first' cavern.How many more caverns further down,u guess.But dunt tell me.
Let say the speed of the vehicle travelling down the UAF is 5 or 10 km and the gradient of the slope is 7 degree.
A_______B______ C______ D______ E______ F______ G
spd__ dist_ sect. leng__no.of sect_ drop _ __ depth__ storey
10_____ 2500___ 100____ 25_______12.1____ 300_____130
A.SPEED--Just pick any figure of speed km/h u like.How fast can a vehicle travel downward? Bear in mind the slope has to cater for heavy ammo loaded container truck to climb up.
I assume there is no container truck lifts .
B.DISTANCE vehicle travelled in 15 mins----15 mins time the assumed speed.
C.LENGTH OF EACH SECTION OF SLOPE:Assume the distance vehicle travel before it make a U turn continue downward.
D.NO. OF SECTION DOWN TO FIRST CAVERN:distance travelled divided by length of each section ,then get no. of sections
E.DROP FROM GROUND LEVEL,in meter:100 m--length of section-- time sin 7 degree which is a guess?
E.Can u see ' sin' in calculator ? 100mx 0.1219. of sections time drop of each section=depth to first cavern
G. How height is ur home from floor to ceiling.Say,2.3m
It is how depth of the first cavern.
2.All ammo wll be stored and locked inside containers.Bends and bombs
traps etc to reduce damAges of any explosions.
2.Is it a reasonale guess?.It shows a info,no matter how trival or small it,can lead to a reasonale guess. In the intel world, a reasonable guess is more than enough,If there is no info of '15 minutes travelling to the first cavern', what I guess is really a guess.With the 15 mins,what do u think?
Dunt show off to ur fern,esp ah girlie,how much u know.U know?
About 240 Singaporean and overseas defense scientists held a meeting in a cavern.International Symposium on defense Construction.STimes 19.04.2002 pg H3.So,any secret?
:The ammunition will be stored in caverns to be blasted out of the granite, at depths of about 100 m or more underground......
STimes 13.08.1999
read my post 29.06.2005.That is 35 syoreys or more deep.