Hi guys, i saw that : "Liu Jieqi's email? Anybody? Part III" topic has expired, so i decided to continue it with part IV.
I believe that this topic is a platform that emotionally bound Jieqi's listeners together.
Can anyone write a post with the links of part 1 to 3 so that anyone who wants to know the background of this thread can read all the old post? Sorry ..... I am an IT idiot, hence the need for help.
This response might come a bit too late, but i hope to rally enough help if possible to make this come true.
To expand tinker's idea:
This may sound crazy... but maybe we can get Jieqi to use Twitter or some public chat place to do a program?
He just twitter or type the songs he want to play and we look for it ourselves...
I wonder if there is a free online "run your own Internet radio station website" where people can sign up, sign in, select songs and subscribers can "tune" in. I think there might be a viable business model to it... call it "yousong" or "youradiostation" if you like..
It's probably too much to ask of him... I think he's been great doing it all these years.
Anyway, I googled it and it seems it is quite possible:
and there's more...
-end of quote-
y not do the reverse way? we host a internet radio programme instead? for a start, maybe once a month? then we invite Jieqi to be our listener.....
looking forward to all you Jieqi fans replies :)