Originally posted by Medicated Oil:I have just watched the WP conference.
It seemed that the guy is being sacked for not standing forward to defend the allegation and he is not informed personally about his sacking.
Strange way of approach by WP to sack some one without confirming the allegations.
How can they confirm the allegations when he won't set the record straight with even his own party? When you cancel MPS and dodge the media, you show that you have the moral courage a leader needs.
He is innocent unless proven guilty of the allegations.
So, he should be give more chance to stand forward to defend himself instead of sacking without getting into the root of the issue.
As for your point about facing the crisis, where were the person in charge when there is a flood and some cripple run road ?
If I understand from Dragon statement, other national agenda are more important than the welfare of the HG people.
the point here is neutral....it applies to both the incumbents, as well as to the oppositions.....
the citizens must be matured enough to take on a more perceptive role as a voter...
But to be honest this is not something trivial........he is only a human being...and rather young also......so it is understandable if he does not want to hold a press conference or whatever......because I imagine he is confused and in stress......Problems in romance can create mental turmoil.....please be more understanding....
the hardest truth is to make the public understand than to be understood....
politics is not a game for the faint of hearts..
å¼ é¾™èµµè™Ž, 王æœ�马汉, 龙虎头伺候ï¼�"
there is a movie called sex, lies and politics.
remember bill clinton, he lied about the oral sex with monica lewinsky in 1997, almost kena impeached by the congress, but didnt. his marriage with hilary clinton survives, hope his own marriage also survive. but take note, this is his own making, no one but himself. he has to be accountable to his own actions.
Hey guys singapore will have a public holiday. wahahhaha. By election will have a holiday for us.
WP will promote gerald giam. I see LTK quite dote on him. Yaw is disappointing. LTK wanted to groom to be successor of him. Now he also sad.
I feel WP had given him period of time to account and set a due date for him. Yaw choose not to reply.
Full of compassion. I think WP did the right thing cos they feel cannot allow this kind of things to happen and do not want to set a predicesor case.
any scandal happening, the politician in question will usually step down one. the press has sources you see. they will usually do investigative work before publishing. he didnt even bother to explain, so this more or less is a fact, his affair that is.
Khaw boon wah asshole. At his speech last part, he try to poison the minds of the citizen. Dirty trick.
Should look after his HDB policy. What he did is only build more BTO and get the money back from putting out more EC? He useless la.From the way i see brainless.
I beg WP and other opposition parties to relentlessly attack the PAP on the foreigner issue in by elections. That is the weak spot of PAP.
Please do not stop attacking.
Results of tightening of foreign workers quota not 'instant': Tharman Shanmugaratnam
SINGAPORE - The foreign workforce tightening measures that began from July 2010 is being implemented in phases, and hence the public should not expect to see the effects of such tigtening measures instantly, said the Minister for Manpower Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam...
The attacks on the PAP should not stop but must be increased.
aiya no need to attack, people knows it when they see the streets, offices, shopping centres are full of foreigners. so hougang people will have to decide if they want to back up WP or change to PAP. I hope the people there vote for WP despite this news, which PAP will certainly relish. it is 50-50 now, can go either way.
PAP state media only during elections will allow opposition to appear on TV. After elections revert back to pro-PAP, praise PAP.
So the attack must continue.
People of the world, be courageous, dare to fight, defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave.
Then the whole world will belong to the people.
Monsters of all kinds shall be destroyed.
Friend, why do u suddenly mention Mao's speech on American imperialism in the Congo ?
It's like no head, no tail ?
One thing WP should attack is the HDB issue. COV drop but Valuation rise. The problems still exist. 35 year loan. CCB. how to retire???
WP please fight for us.
The WP Council know more than us, and must have based their decision on that.
While we speculate, the WP Council must be dissapointed by the way Mr Yaw conducted himself.
He should either admit or deny the allegations. And move on.
he just trying to step down WP to score point for himself. Act decent and noble. Asshole him. Build more HDB. Anyone will also know how to handle.I am very disappointed with him. I will vote for opposition in the future.
Originally posted by mancha:The WP Council know more than us, and must have based their decision on that.
While we speculate, the WP Council must be dissapointed by the way Mr Yaw conducted himself.
He should either admit or deny the allegations. And move on.
But what you expect him to say. Open press conference declare.
Yes I got scandal with Angela Onn. Regret that DUe to everyman fault, I could not control myself and plant the sin down. During this times, my family, wife and WP people are very supportive.
I am very sorry and very remorseful.I wish to state WP is not involved. I will be responsible for my own action.
Thank you for all your concerns.
If people ask him, where u first meet, first fuck, at where. HOw you feel about what what. - 2 words No comments.
I cannot think of a better way to handle this issue. They gave time to the guy to explain but that guy wasn't transparent nor accountable for his actions, and this simply means they had to get rid of a person lacking morals.
I will vote for WP!
Was listenin to 938 this morning, and was sizing what's the main pts of criticisms against this decision? too long? not proven until guilty? Mr Low knows Yau for so long? morality checks?
Firstly, kudos to WP for taking this harsh but necessary move. For me, better late than never. I think WP has given enough time for this for this matter to settle, before making the decision. And to show, it was not done in the heat of things.
For me as a public, I do believe Yau may have explained to the relevant people in the party. But we are not visible to that.
As for morality checks, from the MOE scholar in UK, to the recent transgressions of high civil servants, apparently, this is not 100% fool proof, but how the system kicks in if there are any stepping out of the line. As I read in strait times, Mr Teo also shared why there is a delay in the announcements.
lastly, WP has taken the moral high grounds and show they can X even their heir apparent to Mr Low if he steps out of line. It may have ripple effect on the rest, but I am still sure some will be resistant and continue to assure us they are doing their best despite the floodings, the crowdings, and etc etc.. Sigh..
The by-election will be interesting, depending on the candidate introduced by respective parties. PAP may win Hougang back if they get George Yeo to fight this SMC.
Even if they want GY, GY may not want. He looked like he very sian of politics since the last defeat. He didn't even want to take part in PE.
I don't mind GY. I don't mind another WP candidate as long as he's good. But I will mind if Desmond Choo becomes MP. From the way he responded during last year saga of "the PA not allowing Opposition Party MP to some events", I don't have high opinion of this person's character although he may have itchy issues like Yaw.
Originally posted by 4sg:The rumour of K Sham and Foo M H have been going round the internet for grandy old years.
Actually, Foo Mee Har is quite pretty.....
Actually, I find her to be quite similar to Lily Neo.
Actually, I think Tin Pei Ling is also similar.....
Actually, I think someone has a certain "type" it seems.....