I never in my life supported PAP in the first place. But looking at how local culture is being destroyed by PAP, I cannot but oppose the PAP.
firstly, it's simply the recently years of mismanagement of Singapore and the treatment of born-and-bred/ made-in-Singapore Singaporean citizens it's supposed to take care and give priority to...
secondly, you simply cannot run Singapore a country as a company, Singapore Inc, because you will lose your moral compass, authority and integrity... e.g. as if you can "fire/ sack" Singapore citizens... even PM has recently just said before to his MPs, "Remember, the Government is the people's servant, not their master".
thirdly, 'Think Singaporeans First' is now a must and will be the major priority for the current ruling party to win the hearts of Singaporeans all over again since Independence Day of Aug 9, 1965.
Originally posted by Llg2178:What can PAP do to win your support?
Very unlikely, since my aim is for another party to come to power and replace PAP and achieve a two party system.
Originally posted by Llg2178:Will tax rebate help?
Don't make me laugh.
Originally posted by Llg2178:Will tax rebate help?
though it's a good to have for all Singapore citizens, dangling monetary carrots will not win the emotional hearts of the younger new generations of Singaporean citizens anymore. old people, maybe. but definitely not the newer and younger generations of Singapore citizens who in general have no close ties with any party...
not everything and anything can be measured/ bribed with money.
Originally posted by Llg2178:What has WP do to win support?
it bonds emotionally with the born-and-bred/ made-in-Singapore
Singaporean citizens.
that emotional bonding is very difficult to be bribed with money... it's the heart ware of the people.
it's thinking Singaporeans first...
Originally posted by Llg2178:What has WP do to win support?
To be honest, WP has won the support of a lot of people, simply by challenging PAP and their policies.
People viewed them as an alternative voice in the parliament, even if they haven't done much for the people (to be more precise, they did not have the chance to do that much because they did not have that much of a say in government decision making).
Originally posted by Dalforce 25:Don't make me laugh.
Originally posted by Llg2178:o
How about PUB bill rebate and baby bonus?
as mentioned above, it's good to have them but it's not going to emotionally win the hearts of younger Singaporeans anymore.
hence, all the monetary policies should be a Singapore citizens' entitlements, not as a privilege.
Originally posted by Llg2178:o
How about PUB bill rebate and baby bonus?
That's not possible. Because my concern is with political goals. And that goal requires PAP to go.
Originally posted by Llg2178:o
How about PUB bill rebate and baby bonus?
If PAP implements universal health care, free tertiary education with an even lower foreigner intake, minimum wages law, as well as full-paid national service without reservist, I believe a lot of people will support them.
Of course, just universal health care alone is practically impossible.
If PAP de-westernises and de-anglicises Singapore society and promotes local culture, I might consider supporting PAP. But as long as the baba clique dominates PAP, it seems rather remote.
If so, PAP must be removed.
Originally posted by Forbiddensinner:To be honest, WP has won the support of a lot of people, simply by challenging PAP and their policies.
People viewed them as an alternative voice in the parliament, even if they haven't done much for the people (to be more precise, they did not have the chance to do that much because they did not have that much of a say in government decision making).
Originally posted by Llg2178:
We have more WP MP now. They should be able to do something for Singapore citizens.
WP? They seem to be in the world of their own.
Why is Singapore so attractive to foreign talents? Safe and secure place; More opportunities to get employment; Good education system; Multi racial society; Zero tolerance for corruption.
Originally posted by Llg2178:Why is Singapore so attractive to foreign talents?
Safe and secured place;More opportunities to get employment;Good education system;Multi racial society;Zero tolerance for corruption.
YOu should know by now foreigners and citizens are treated differently.
Originally posted by gorgorlokaychyong:WP? They seem to be in the world of their own.
Originally posted by Llg2178:
Please share an example.
More scholarships are given to foreigners.
Originally posted by gorgorlokaychyong:YOu should know by now foreigners and citizens are treated differently.
Originally posted by Llg2178:
able to share with an illustration?
Go get it from the local uni students. What is your motive of asking?