Well, your present leaders may call us quitters and other nasty names - but if you can give me a few solid reasons why people are not generally coming back for good after they have left, I'll be willing to admit that our migration was for nought. No, at one point in 1987, then-PM LKY was speaking to the Straits Times as to why there is such a brain drain of young professionally qualified SGPns...where I was studying, the SGP_consulate was trying to attract SGP students back to SGP with a guaranty of a job in the PSC and a bond. A bond?!?! Well, I guess they went home empty handed.
And PM Lee decided that we were the quitters.
Some of my friends who are LTCs in the SAF, closing in on 45 yrs. of age, can hardly wait to get their pink i/c back - and their luggage is already packed, ready to sell off everything and leave - just like that. Why? They gave and they gave and they gave - but they get virtually nothing back, except two miserable crabs on their shoulders. They lamented - alamak - should have left after getting the second kit-kat bar! Just look at the number of ex-SAF officers retiring in Perth..You will be surprised even these defender of Spores are leaving in droves
Can you see? Even top ranked officers get frustrated after a while. We are creatures of freedom, we're not slaves. If you have gotten used to being a slave , then good on you - carry on singing majullah singapura. if you want to know what a real democracy is like, for gawd's sake, get out there and take a year to live in a foreign western country like Oz or NZ, or even the STates. You might just - surprise yourself.
not a stable argument - that richer people want to satisfy their higher needs.
Some of us who emigrated early in life realised the fututre of SGP was not going to be easy, some see it some don't. Some have parents who saved up some don't, that's something we either were blessed with parents who foresaw the future and shred their vision with us and some didn't get to share a vision with their family lvoed ones. And thats alright. For me and several of my siblings, we saw that we cannot possibly be able to save and live comfortably in SGP as it stands today. Living in a chicken 3 room coop - come on lah, you know that the unit you "buy" with your CPF isn't really yours right? WHen you pass on either you sell it through your lawyer or you pas it on to your benefactor - but after 99 years, it has to be returned to the PAP, regardless of what you did to upkeep the unit.
We left not because of fear of living in an HDB coop - but because ther is little leeway that the rulers here give us. They make laws and rules to keep the people confused, suppressed, oppressed and oblivious to a clear unabridged version of the whole truth. The politicians who voted themselves into Parliament are not dumb fools you know, although many of us easily write them off as a bunch of fascist idiots. No ., they're more cunning and devillishly smarter than anyone will ever give them credit for. And their game plan is succeeding We who saw this taking place in the 80's saw there was no way we'd be able to live like a democratic community. There's no such thing as democracy in a socialistic society like SGP. We didn't quit the system - the system didn't allow us to carry on living there, more like. The system is set up such that either you are paralyzed financially that you cannot budge or you're strapped in by a set of rules that don't allow you to be the best you can actually be. Fail your A levels and you're a failure FOREVER. No, not so in the "western countries" ; here in my new homeland, we have community colleges where adults can get student loans (interest free) and get their degrees while working part-time. Can! can be done. In SGP, fail once and you're doomed for life.
Its not all about getting ahead financially. There are other factors such as freedom of movement - have you ever considered - you must get an Exit Permit before you're allowed to trravel? This is a form of unwanted control. Sure restrict us before NS so we don't run away; but after we've paid our dues and they still want to keep track of us? WHat the heck, thats ridiculous.
Another one is freedom of the press. you cannot buy or read certain newspapers in SGP becsue it is deemed to be too democratic. The ISPs monitor your internet surfing.
Money don't come easy, not even in our new homelands. We still gotta work hard for it. But, the stress levels are not even a fraction of what you experience in SGP. the SGP gov't loves telling you folks what you should be doing with your lives - I mean , who the bloody hell are they to tell you how you should live? You pay and pay and pay till you die, and then they turn around and tell you how you should live in SGP?
Yeah, we are forced to leave because the system don't work, and it still doesn't believe it or not. And for you who stayed, sorry you didn;t get the vision of the future from the 80's into the here and now, you snoozed, you loose. thats the gist.
any where that you go to that has the absence of all that you despise about the way the SGP gov't behaves - is better than SGP.
NZ, Australia, Canada, USA, UK even Scandinavia any of these is better.
No money to leave, yeah tough tough tough! just bite the bullet, grin and bear it. Or migrate to Malaysia or Thailand. Only a train ride North of the causeway.
My technical stream teacher retired a few years back -and moved to Chiangmai, now helives like a king, and owns a bungalow by the lake - he has emigrated, and his student - (ha!) showed him the ropes of migration!
correct - the SGP gov't wants you to help their economy grow, but no, they will not stretch out to help You the contributor grow. So when you get into trouble, all they'll say is: Good luck!
But, if you cannot tahan the freedom you experience in a free country after you get there, then I'll say to you : good luck !
- Work overseas because you can and it's fun!Later, you may consider migration (or long term employment) because you feel
settled in.
- No matter what, Singaporeans who desire bigger houses and big cars etc will
always find a better deal in places like USA and Australia. Singapore will always
be resource constrained.
Originally posted by wing007:Why so many Chinese people are willing to cover such a long distance to SG and work so hard as a worker in factory and restaurant waitress. Does an ordinary worker earn $2500 in SG?
Speaking of living in HK,
I would say the cost of living in Hongkong is higher than SG. The living place will be likely to be crowded. The food is as expensive as in SG.
The office worker in China earns RMB 1500 ($300). Top management gets the most RMB 6000-10000 ( div by 5 only $2000).
Lower rank worker earns RMB 300 to 400 ( div by 5 $60 ). A normal china guy only earns $60 a month.
Now you know why they are coming like the bees to work in Singapore?
The top earners can earn $10,000 ( x 5 = RMB 50,000 ). How on earth they can earn so much back in China. Even a normal pay of $2000 = RMB 10,000. Any job in Singapore that pays them $1500 is 5 times their salary back in China. If they save and send home $500 , it is still much more than a normal office worker pay in China (RMB 1500 = $300)
But these people lament about everything in Singapore, from food , flats, quality of flour ( for making their dumplings) to pets keeping. And they never bother to fit in or follow the norm of living style in Singapore. I have damn bloody noisy China neighbours who bang their door and gate when going out. And talk loudly on their handphones while walking along the corridor near midnight. They got no eyes to see or observe how quiet the whole neighbourhood is .
If u got money to buy nice place...u can no need tarhan ur neighbours...if not just L L la...
Originally posted by homer28:
Well, your present leaders may call us quitters and other nasty names - but if you can give me a few solid reasons why people are not generally coming back for good after they have left, I'll be willing to admit that our migration was for nought. No, at one point in 1987, then-PM LKY was speaking to the Straits Times as to why there is such a brain drain of young professionally qualified SGPns...where I was studying, the SGP_consulate was trying to attract SGP students back to SGP with a guaranty of a job in the PSC and a bond. A bond?!?! Well, I guess they went home empty handed.
And PM Lee decided that we were the quitters.
Some of my friends who are LTCs in the SAF, closing in on 45 yrs. of age, can hardly wait to get their pink i/c back - and their luggage is already packed, ready to sell off everything and leave - just like that. Why? They gave and they gave and they gave - but they get virtually nothing back, except two miserable crabs on their shoulders. They lamented - alamak - should have left after getting the second kit-kat bar! Just look at the number of ex-SAF officers retiring in Perth..You will be surprised even these defender of Spores are leaving in droves
Can you see? Even top ranked officers get frustrated after a while. We are creatures of freedom, we're not slaves. If you have gotten used to being a slave , then good on you - carry on singing majullah singapura. if you want to know what a real democracy is like, for gawd's sake, get out there and take a year to live in a foreign western country like Oz or NZ, or even the STates. You might just - surprise yourself.
not a stable argument - that richer people want to satisfy their higher needs.
Some of us who emigrated early in life realised the fututre of SGP was not going to be easy, some see it some don't. Some have parents who saved up some don't, that's something we either were blessed with parents who foresaw the future and shred their vision with us and some didn't get to share a vision with their family lvoed ones. And thats alright. For me and several of my siblings, we saw that we cannot possibly be able to save and live comfortably in SGP as it stands today. Living in a chicken 3 room coop - come on lah, you know that the unit you "buy" with your CPF isn't really yours right? WHen you pass on either you sell it through your lawyer or you pas it on to your benefactor - but after 99 years, it has to be returned to the PAP, regardless of what you did to upkeep the unit.
We left not because of fear of living in an HDB coop - but because ther is little leeway that the rulers here give us. They make laws and rules to keep the people confused, suppressed, oppressed and oblivious to a clear unabridged version of the whole truth. The politicians who voted themselves into Parliament are not dumb fools you know, although many of us easily write them off as a bunch of fascist idiots. No ., they're more cunning and devillishly smarter than anyone will ever give them credit for. And their game plan is succeeding We who saw this taking place in the 80's saw there was no way we'd be able to live like a democratic community. There's no such thing as democracy in a socialistic society like SGP. We didn't quit the system - the system didn't allow us to carry on living there, more like. The system is set up such that either you are paralyzed financially that you cannot budge or you're strapped in by a set of rules that don't allow you to be the best you can actually be. Fail your A levels and you're a failure FOREVER. No, not so in the "western countries" ; here in my new homeland, we have community colleges where adults can get student loans (interest free) and get their degrees while working part-time. Can! can be done. In SGP, fail once and you're doomed for life.
Its not all about getting ahead financially. There are other factors such as freedom of movement - have you ever considered - you must get an Exit Permit before you're allowed to trravel? This is a form of unwanted control. Sure restrict us before NS so we don't run away; but after we've paid our dues and they still want to keep track of us? WHat the heck, thats ridiculous.
Another one is freedom of the press. you cannot buy or read certain newspapers in SGP becsue it is deemed to be too democratic. The ISPs monitor your internet surfing.
Money don't come easy, not even in our new homelands. We still gotta work hard for it. But, the stress levels are not even a fraction of what you experience in SGP. the SGP gov't loves telling you folks what you should be doing with your lives - I mean , who the bloody hell are they to tell you how you should live? You pay and pay and pay till you die, and then they turn around and tell you how you should live in SGP?
Yeah, we are forced to leave because the system don't work, and it still doesn't believe it or not. And for you who stayed, sorry you didn;t get the vision of the future from the 80's into the here and now, you snoozed, you loose. thats the gist.
any where that you go to that has the absence of all that you despise about the way the SGP gov't behaves - is better than SGP.
NZ, Australia, Canada, USA, UK even Scandinavia any of these is better.
No money to leave, yeah tough tough tough! just bite the bullet, grin and bear it. Or migrate to Malaysia or Thailand. Only a train ride North of the causeway.
My technical stream teacher retired a few years back -and moved to Chiangmai, now helives like a king, and owns a bungalow by the lake - he has emigrated, and his student - (ha!) showed him the ropes of migration!
correct - the SGP gov't wants you to help their economy grow, but no, they will not stretch out to help You the contributor grow. So when you get into trouble, all they'll say is: Good luck!
But, if you cannot tahan the freedom you experience in a free country after you get there, then I'll say to you : good luck !- Work overseas because you can and it's fun!Later, you may consider migration (or long term employment) because you feel
settled in.
- No matter what, Singaporeans who desire bigger houses and big cars etc will
always find a better deal in places like USA and Australia. Singapore will always
be resource constrained.
honestly, if you have no regret emigrating, how does it matter what the politicians call you?
I used to spend a lot of money on stock and shares and found it didnt make any sense for me to continue, so I quit!! and put my money as down payment for a property, a commitment which required me to continue to pay and pay for many years. But today, I am very happy with the money I made. To quit was a right decision.
tell us in what way you have made a right decision. No point telling us how sucks this place is, but you are suffering where you are now.
Sg is the best country in the world.
Originally posted by maxsee:If u got money to buy nice place...u can no need tarhan ur neighbours...if not just L L la...
what ?!!! u think money can solve problem meh. I have money to buy a nice place, the China immigrants can also buy one what. It's the attitude and culture that can solve any neighbour disputes. However , most China immigrants have very bad argumentative attitude that can only be resolved using laws.
Originally posted by homer28:
Well, your present leaders may call us quitters and other nasty names - but if you can give me a few solid reasons why people are not generally coming back for good after they have left, I'll be willing to admit that our migration was for nought. No, at one point in 1987, then-PM LKY was speaking to the Straits Times as to why there is such a brain drain of young professionally qualified SGPns...where I was studying, the SGP_consulate was trying to attract SGP students back to SGP with a guaranty of a job in the PSC and a bond. A bond?!?! Well, I guess they went home empty handed.
And PM Lee decided that we were the quitters.
Some of my friends who are LTCs in the SAF, closing in on 45 yrs. of age, can hardly wait to get their pink i/c back - and their luggage is already packed, ready to sell off everything and leave - just like that. Why? They gave and they gave and they gave - but they get virtually nothing back, except two miserable crabs on their shoulders. They lamented - alamak - should have left after getting the second kit-kat bar! Just look at the number of ex-SAF officers retiring in Perth..You will be surprised even these defender of Spores are leaving in droves
Can you see? Even top ranked officers get frustrated after a while. We are creatures of freedom, we're not slaves. If you have gotten used to being a slave , then good on you - carry on singing majullah singapura. if you want to know what a real democracy is like, for gawd's sake, get out there and take a year to live in a foreign western country like Oz or NZ, or even the STates. You might just - surprise yourself.
not a stable argument - that richer people want to satisfy their higher needs.
Some of us who emigrated early in life realised the fututre of SGP was not going to be easy, some see it some don't. Some have parents who saved up some don't, that's something we either were blessed with parents who foresaw the future and shred their vision with us and some didn't get to share a vision with their family lvoed ones. And thats alright. For me and several of my siblings, we saw that we cannot possibly be able to save and live comfortably in SGP as it stands today. Living in a chicken 3 room coop - come on lah, you know that the unit you "buy" with your CPF isn't really yours right? WHen you pass on either you sell it through your lawyer or you pas it on to your benefactor - but after 99 years, it has to be returned to the PAP, regardless of what you did to upkeep the unit.
We left not because of fear of living in an HDB coop - but because ther is little leeway that the rulers here give us. They make laws and rules to keep the people confused, suppressed, oppressed and oblivious to a clear unabridged version of the whole truth. The politicians who voted themselves into Parliament are not dumb fools you know, although many of us easily write them off as a bunch of fascist idiots. No ., they're more cunning and devillishly smarter than anyone will ever give them credit for. And their game plan is succeeding We who saw this taking place in the 80's saw there was no way we'd be able to live like a democratic community. There's no such thing as democracy in a socialistic society like SGP. We didn't quit the system - the system didn't allow us to carry on living there, more like. The system is set up such that either you are paralyzed financially that you cannot budge or you're strapped in by a set of rules that don't allow you to be the best you can actually be. Fail your A levels and you're a failure FOREVER. No, not so in the "western countries" ; here in my new homeland, we have community colleges where adults can get student loans (interest free) and get their degrees while working part-time. Can! can be done. In SGP, fail once and you're doomed for life.
Its not all about getting ahead financially. There are other factors such as freedom of movement - have you ever considered - you must get an Exit Permit before you're allowed to trravel? This is a form of unwanted control. Sure restrict us before NS so we don't run away; but after we've paid our dues and they still want to keep track of us? WHat the heck, thats ridiculous.
Another one is freedom of the press. you cannot buy or read certain newspapers in SGP becsue it is deemed to be too democratic. The ISPs monitor your internet surfing.
Money don't come easy, not even in our new homelands. We still gotta work hard for it. But, the stress levels are not even a fraction of what you experience in SGP. the SGP gov't loves telling you folks what you should be doing with your lives - I mean , who the bloody hell are they to tell you how you should live? You pay and pay and pay till you die, and then they turn around and tell you how you should live in SGP?
Yeah, we are forced to leave because the system don't work, and it still doesn't believe it or not. And for you who stayed, sorry you didn;t get the vision of the future from the 80's into the here and now, you snoozed, you loose. thats the gist.
any where that you go to that has the absence of all that you despise about the way the SGP gov't behaves - is better than SGP.
NZ, Australia, Canada, USA, UK even Scandinavia any of these is better.
No money to leave, yeah tough tough tough! just bite the bullet, grin and bear it. Or migrate to Malaysia or Thailand. Only a train ride North of the causeway.
My technical stream teacher retired a few years back -and moved to Chiangmai, now helives like a king, and owns a bungalow by the lake - he has emigrated, and his student - (ha!) showed him the ropes of migration!
correct - the SGP gov't wants you to help their economy grow, but no, they will not stretch out to help You the contributor grow. So when you get into trouble, all they'll say is: Good luck!
But, if you cannot tahan the freedom you experience in a free country after you get there, then I'll say to you : good luck !- Work overseas because you can and it's fun!Later, you may consider migration (or long term employment) because you feel
settled in.
- No matter what, Singaporeans who desire bigger houses and big cars etc will
always find a better deal in places like USA and Australia. Singapore will always
be resource constrained.
Why are you wasting your time espousing logic which should be synonymous with common sense to a moron whose only understanding of "free" is limited to the definition of having no monetary charge?
The problem with the fascists running this place is, even by the standards of despots and tyrants, they are abject failures. It's bad enough having the blind leading the blind; the vast majority of the breed you encounter here are representative of having the blind leading the sighted.
majority people are not perfect humans in spore.if they knew what was in store for them back in 1970s and took steps to prevent it all.....spore would be different and a happy place.but it so seems that those malaysians and foreigners coming in see no connections to being in a country other than to work and buy a big house back in jb and home towns in malaysia or home country at cheaper pricing for their own nationals.
those foreigners in spore who converted to singaporeans when they had a choice are definitely not the brightest of the foreigner cohort that came to spore to work. most ended up desperate and insane,if not driving a taxi with a PHD to numerous suicide cases in bedok reservoir to bottom of a void deck with entire family.
to give an update... i am happily and well settled in HK
i live in a pleasant area around happy valley. the neighbours are nice people. i get a great view of the HK harbour. i have my friends over to my place whenever i can if i'm not travelling..... i feel its such an energetic and "can-do" community here. people are generally enterprising with lotsa ideas.... the night life is vibrant.... shopping is like x1000 more fun, with better variety and service.... food is excellent, can get either the cheap or expensive..... there are some great off-shore islands you can go to during weekends., especially in summers. take a boat out... have some beers...... or alternatively, hike around some great walking trails in the hills and great nature environment....
i still continue to travel a lot in this region.... i am all around in mainland china a lot... i go taipei every other month... i am regularly in seoul and tokyo as well....
i just wanna repeat what i said in the begining about relocating, about getting away from SG, about living overseas...
again i urge more SG'reans to do it !! actively seek out these opportunities yourselves.... and take the opportunity when you have it to go overseas...
the experiences you gained is fantastic.... the exposure you get is wonderful.... the next available opportunities after you take the first step overseas will readily follow because the amount of opportunities and potential out there is so much greater.... the learnings you will get is more enriching in a bigger and more dynamic market!
Congrats to Coffeebreak for finding a good place.
It is an individual choice as to where we stay and work.
If you feel comfy in sg, you have to feed the 1% from your hard earned money from any policy they imposed.
But, at the end of your life, it is your choice, dun blame your age, time, family, work and the government.
You have to rethink the conditioning that you have underwent and whether it still served you well in the next 10 - 20 years in the global world village that we live in.
Is the grass always greener on the other side?
Every place got its pro and con.
If you dun cross the line, you will alway see what you have now.
After you cross the line, you may love what you have or you can choose to come back.
At least your horizon and experience is changed through this move.
to those who leave. good luck. for me i am staying. singapore is my home and they are many things to do and will need every true bluse sgreans. in times of unrest to protect and serve, and there are many contaminations here that requires local tru blu sgreans to substain and clean up. if non of us are left what is left for the country and our future generations? the alein infestation and contamination is alreay verey bad, and their blood floods in some of our youngere geenrations here. so staying here and defending sinapore both from foreign and domestic treatd is a duty and task every singapore must do. see PR also serve NS - they should serve as cooks or drivers or storemen lah instead of combat and other classified important vocations. let's bring back the coooks okay?
like that is army or mercenery? PR also can serve
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:to those who leave. good luck. for me i am staying. singapore is my home and they are many things to do and will need every true bluse sgreans. in times of unrest to protect and serve, and there are many contaminations here that requires local tru blu sgreans to substain and clean up. if non of us are left what is left for the country and our future generations? the alein infestation and contamination is alreay verey bad, and their blood floods in some of our youngere geenrations here. so staying here and defending sinapore both from foreign and domestic treatd is a duty and task every singapore must do. see PR also serve NS - they should serve as cooks or drivers or storemen lah instead of combat and other classified important vocations. let's bring back the coooks okay?
like that is army or mercenery? PR also can serve
dont forget all the SAF tanks overseas are probably controlled by ang mo though they have majullah singapura and unit insignia on them.they say they "own " and run the tanks!!the tank sounds like dun belong to spore like tat.
Originally posted by Hitman Factory 1:
dont forget all the SAF tanks overseas are probably controlled by ang mo though they have majullah singapura and unit insignia on them.they say they "own " and run the tanks!!the tank sounds like dun belong to spore like tat.
"dont forget all the SAF tanks overseas are probably controlled by ang mo "
I don't remember any of our tanks overseas are controlled by ang mo.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:"dont forget all the SAF tanks overseas are probably controlled by ang mo "
I don't remember any of our tanks overseas are controlled by ang mo.
thats because u have never been ou]tside spore and seen whats happening now in various places.how can u remeber when u dont exactly know the details?
u need to gather your own intel other than listening from newspapers and info thats not easy to come by.when u know it..it might already be too late.
Originally posted by Medicated Oil:Every place got its pro and con.
If you dun cross the line, you will alway see what you have now.
After you cross the line, you may love what you have or you can choose to come back.
At least your horizon and experience is changed through this move.
We are all looking for ways to have a better life.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:"dont forget all the SAF tanks overseas are probably controlled by ang mo "
I don't remember any of our tanks overseas are controlled by ang mo.
Many of our military equipment came from US or Britain. Do u think Spore can afford to build arms industry? Many local migrate to other countries is not suprising, with NS becoming a libility, who care if they can spec or officers during full-time NS,this country is like a transit point to a better country. If u free, go ask those PR if they want to give up their citizenship for a local citizenship. U might get a shock reply.
Originally posted by will4:
Many of our military equipment came from US or Britain. Do u think Spore can afford to build arms industry? Many local migrate to other countries is not suprising, with NS becoming a libility, who care if they can spec or officers during full-time NS,this country is like a transit point to a better country. If u free, go ask those PR if they want to give up their citizenship for a local citizenship. U might get a shock reply.
we have military equipement made in US, Sweden, France...we also have our own military industry. for the size of Singapore, we are punching way above our weight. that should have nothing to do with those who want to migrate.
We will still have Singaporeans who want to migrate for a better future, Singapore is a small country, can't offer many things that the big countries can provide...we wish them good luck,
and we will still see many migrate because they can't pass IPPT, or fail in their second language, I watch and laugh...also good luck. No shocking surprise.
Figures released by the department of immigration of australia, last year there were 88,461 australian left the country, the so called "long term departure", nearly two-thirds of them were born in Australia. leading destinations were Britain, New Zealand and the US. and Singapore took over HK as the 4th preferred destination! almost 20,000 left for Singapore in the past 3 yrs, 6952 came to singapore last year.
Apparently the trend surprised demographers, such as Professor Graeme Hugo, a leading population specialist, from University of Adelaide, who will conduct further research on the reasons for the stampede to Singapore.
I bet this also give many people here shocking surprise.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:we have military equipement made in US, Sweden, France...we also have our own military industry. for the size of Singapore, we are punching way above our weight. that should have nothing to do with those who want to migrate.
We will still have Singaporeans who want to migrate for a better future, Singapore is a small country, can't offer many things that the big countries can provide...we wish them good luck,
and we will still see many migrate because they can't pass IPPT, or fail in their second language, I watch and laugh...also good luck. No shocking surprise.
we are only on this planet for a short time......where got time for dumb policies!!!time is precious dun waste it.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:Figures released by the department of immigration of australia, last year there were 88,461 australian left the country, the so called "long term departure", nearly two-thirds of them were born in Australia. leading destinations were Britain, New Zealand and the US. and Singapore took over HK as the 4th preferred destination! almost 20,000 left for Singapore in the past 3 yrs, 6952 came to singapore last year.
Apparently the trend surprised demographers, such as Professor Graeme Hugo, a leading population specialist, from University of Adelaide, who will conduct further research on the reasons for the stampede to Singapore.
I bet this also give many people here shocking surprise.
one of my engineers in spore was from australia.paid by americans to work in spore factory.
Originally posted by sgdiehard:we have military equipement made in US, Sweden, France...we also have our own military industry. for the size of Singapore, we are punching way above our weight. that should have nothing to do with those who want to migrate.
We will still have Singaporeans who want to migrate for a better future, Singapore is a small country, can't offer many things that the big countries can provide...we wish them good luck,
and we will still see many migrate because they can't pass IPPT, or fail in their second language, I watch and laugh...also good luck. No shocking surprise.
Those students failing their "O" level second language will automatically disqualify them from going to study at JC, their only choice is the poly. After these students graduate from the poly, many of them head to other countries to futher their university studies n many of the never came back. In fact, the govt is trying to encourage them to come back. The health ministry launched a scheme in which they will pay the uni fees for a local Sporean student studying in other countries, there is a condition attached, these students need to sign bond with the govt.
All we need to do is work very hard and save enough $....then we're gone....overseas....a better place perhaps? Then settle down....but then our CPF how? Cannot withdraw leh.....Who like Australia and New Zealand ? I have frens already immigrated there liao...happy and less stressful life....
But how much savings is enough ?
Taiwan has people who buy and sell the urn place for a quick profit and one urn's place is being "fried" until very high . The Taiwan mafia has a hand in it. They are now going into the dead people's business that can also bring them lotsa of money.
In Singapore, the Nirvana Memorium already have some people doing this type of trade ( like stock market), they buy a row of urn's place at the original price and then sell them high for a profit. The guy that was shown on TV doing that is the drum player of True Buddha School. He is a malaysian and he is starting this type of "dead people" business in Singapore. Making use of the dead. He is a malaysian so he doesn't feel guilty of using the dead in Singapore to make his first pot of gold.
This guy only studied till High School in Malaysia and only working as a technician in Singapore. Where did he get the sum of money to invest in a row of urns? He is only 31, does he need a row of urns? He only buy for investment and i am not surprised if he has a mountain behind him who gives him the money to fry the value of the urns place high. This True buddha School disciple name is Lam Yew Sin, his brother Lam Yew Kin is a staff of Nirvana Memorium. With his brother working inside, Lam Yew Sin can get the best row of urns at the cheapest price, then he sold them off at a very high price. We Singaporeans become *****ers.
The Nirvana Memorium is actually owned by Taiwanese and i am not surprised if the Taiwan mafia has a hand in it.
They are coming to Singapore to spoil the market of Singaporeans " resting place for the death "and earning high Singapore money, laughing all the way to the bank.
They know Singapore is short of land and sooner or later, we all need a urn's place, so the Taiwanese and the Malaysians start first in our country. Fried the urn's place value high and it won't drop in the future.
We are being made use of by these people from other countries.