Do not get into the illusion of ‘power decline’ of the PAP. They certaining were awaken to the new demograhic political landscape. It has 5 years to make amend of itself and that is more than enought time. I personally do not wish the demise of the PAP, I wish for the continue awakening of Singaporean and take joint ownership of managing the country. I wish there no longer abuses by the mandate by the new government.
No one wish to joint a weakening party. That exactly the problem faced by PAP from the slate of candidate and poor qualities shown. PAP has long promote the idealogy of ‘meritocacry’. A legacy from the LKY era. Unfortunately, IQ work without EQ andconnection to the people lead to utimate failure. PAP continue to select its candidate base on ‘paper meritocracy'. It was no surprise one of the selected make comments such as 'I dont know what to say' or 'what is consider enought to provide for daily meals to the poor?. It failed to know why when their tea party invitees get smaller and the choice of candidates get narrrow. It refused to be alerted to its problems and filed candidate such as the Tintin and the Standard chartered cronies. It biggest mistake was to take from within. The civil servants, military, police etc and in the words of opposition, a fornification from within.
It continue to control the media but the media no longer are ST and the MC. The facebook, yahoo, youtude overwhemed them and soon, they find out it is too late to contain the freedom of speech. It firefight with the apology from the PM.
Where would Singapore be heading? It depends how the new cabinet protray themself to the public in the next 5 years. I am feeling beside one of two ministers like the Kaw, the civil serverts Ministers are likely to be humble to be identified with people like you and me.
I did not compliant about the minister pay. I work in PRC and many communist Ministers and their families, friends are rich enough to sink the entire Singapore with their illicit income. Men are born with greed, but men serve money only for evil. A men has no heart to serve rely on its greed to profit himself.
Will the new government works for the daily needs of the native Singaporean? I hope they will. Least, it open the flood gate for good talents to the opposition camp
With recent cna news, they have now realized that people's voice cannot be dismissed and cannot be ignored. Now they will have to listen to the grounds before making any policies changes.
5 years to change for the good, to gain confidence from the people and to have support from the people.
5 years to prove to the people what they can do.
Bear in mind that any polices changes will be hard to please each human individual. But to filter out the best choice among the best to serve the people.
Likeyou, I like your mindset about leopard changing their spots.
Sad to say, with the same group of people, it is just changing the bottle and not the medicine.
I am not expecting any major improvement in the cost reduction of living and salary reduction of ministers.
They will reduce the basic salary and increase hidden bonuses.
LKY's tried and tested method works. The son knows a change is due a long time ago but is not confident enough to take the risk. So he stick to the tried and tested method for as long as he could.
That's why he took drastic actions immediately after the elections. Of course he gave the old ones the dignity of leaving the Cabinet on their own.
He have read Animal Farm too. And he knows that some have become more equal than others. And the people instead of become citizens are become more and more like workers.
Lets see the next five years,
Viva la Singapur