hi all,
just my shout, (no offense to any).
whenever, I see the list or resumes of new PAP candidates, I really want to hang my head in shame. their resumes/cvs are the best of the best, simply polish-until-u-can-see-teeth types.
yes, these may be the people we want, but suddenly, I got this colorful analogy ->
imagine going to a zoo where the lions are on display, and immediately, i draw the parallel.
these candidates are like lions, they roar, fed, all powerful, & majestic. come GE, the OLD farts will go the display window, choose a few colourful ones.. In local scene, these lions will roar, even maul any opposings. but out of the enclosures/zoo, are they really tested?? can they led us?
yes, I do prefer to my government/leaders to be really power, steady, but I won't want my leaders to be all "Floating" in clouds while I suffer on ground level.
Get it?