i don't think MM need to stand corrected for the comments when it wasn't targetted at islam but the minority of malays.he didn't target at religion.i'm in my 30s & i ever come across a minority of malays that stick only to malays.i totally agree with him that few years ago there were malays that mixed more with their own race.thus the book he wrote wasn't entirely misinterpreted which was written 2years back.
it all depends on which area or what group of people one mixed during that period of time & where he experienced it.why are those ministers from muslim states or even locally so touchy about what MM wrote?so as to 'bring him down' literally?why put a founding father of singapore who has done great things for singaporeans down just for the comment he made?he only commented what he experienced.
i would comment what i experienced too.i believe any of you will comment thru your own experiences & not thru the eyes of another person.he has done so much for singapore.but just for this one comment,people start to give their own criticism based on their own views.have any of you lived thru what MM lived thru?have any of you lived at the same area as MM?have any of you 'seen' thru life/experience?
have the ministers in other countries lived in singapore around the area where MM lived & experienced & mixed with exactly the same group of malays as MM?they can't be speaking for ALL malays in their own countries or any other countries or even in singapore where they don't live here at all.every humans have different characters, way & standard of living.for the one thing MM commented,he was criticized.
then for the great things he did in/for singapore,do all singaporeans appreciate to respect his comments?NONE can be like him that has build up singapore like what he did & still doing.so,for goodness sake,move on.......... and give him all the support.
so after licking his boots.........................now, you're sucking his dick ?
you can get him to get it up ?
to asromanista2001,
1st of all,MM doesn't even know me.so there's NO REASON for me to xxxxxxxx or lick his boots.besides i EARNED NOTHING from him or the singapore government by commenting truth about what's i think.its FACTS!& nobody can change it what he has gone through.2nd,if you find you can't accept my facts about your own minister,MM as your Minister Mentor of Singapore, then why don't you denounce your singapore citizenship???get out & live in the country where you like the minister & governance of your favourite choice.i bet you have NONE!i also bet you're the younger generation that doesn't know much what MM has done for singapore & how much he has been through...so shut up & grow up!!!
Originally posted by Star7777777:to asromanista2001,
1st of all,MM doesn't even know me.so there's NO REASON for me to xxxxxxxx or lick his boots.besides i EARNED NOTHING from him or the singapore government by commenting truth about what's i think.its FACTS!& nobody can change it what he has gone through.2nd,if you find you can't accept my facts about your own minister,MM as your Minister Mentor of Singapore, then why don't you denounce your singapore citizenship???get out & live in the country where you like the minister & governance of your favourite choice.i bet you have NONE!i also bet you're the younger generation that doesn't know much what MM has done for singapore & how much he has been through...so shut up & grow up!!!
are u a malay muslim ?
my 2 salutations to Lee Kill You.......................
faster die.......................
faster faster die.........................
faster die, early good......................
MM advice is look forward and reflect the good of the past
In fact. when a student of confucius criticizing students of prophet mohammad, there is nothing improper for students of prophet mohammad to feel emotionally sadden and retort againt it. Although both Confucius and Propher Mohammad revealed inherent peace, love and equality of mankind Besides, it is very diffcult for Muslim leader of other countries to build everlasting common peace and trust amongst Malay and its minority.
May all be peace, love and living harmoniously together for good of the world. Namaste!
personally, this is one of the very few issue i agree with MM. just ask ourselves, how many other races friends do you really hang out with. i am supporter of respect of other religion culture, at the sametime we had to admit there are differences in the way we think and live. we can really only live in harmony when we truely learnt and understand our differences. tolerate, respect can last a long way then purely shooting down a person who dare to talk the truth. by the way, MM is the only person who dare to say, but no one dare to touch him.
i don't think TS need to stand corrected for the comments when it wasn't targetted at anyone but the majority of his words.he didn't target at anything. i'm in my 30s & i ever come across a minority of users that stick only to lowercase. i totally agree with the rest that few years ago there were users that mixed fonts and the two cases. thus the paragraph he wrote wasn't entirely understood which was written 6days back.
it all depends on which case or what group of sentences one mixed during that paragraph of typos & keyboard he typed it.why are those sentence from lower cases or even written some mistakes about what ABB used?so as to 'bring him down' literally?why put a font face of sentences which has perpetuated great things for readers down just for the case he made?he only typed what he thought.
i would comment what i experienced too.i believe any of you will comment thru your own experiences & not thru the eyes of another person.he has wrote so much for sentences.but just for this one comment,people start to give their own punctuations based on their own views.have any of you lived thru what readers lived thru?have any of you used the same monitor as ME?have any of you 'seen' thru words/characters?
have the writers in other countries lived in singapore around the area where TS lived & experienced & mixed with exactly the same group of readers as TS?they can't be speaking for ALL readers in their own countries or any other countries or even in singapore where they don't live here at all.every word have different characters, font & captilization of characters.for the one thing TS commented,he was criticized.
then for the great things he did in/for forums,do all readers appreciate to respect his comments?NONE can be like him that has build up paragrah like what he did & still doing.so,for goodness sake,move on.......... and give him all the support.
Originally posted by Star7777777:to asromanista2001,
1st of all,MM doesn't even know me.so there's NO REASON for me to xxxxxxxx or lick his boots.besides i EARNED NOTHING from him or the singapore government by commenting truth about what's i think.its FACTS!& nobody can change it what he has gone through.2nd,if you find you can't accept my facts about your own minister,MM as your Minister Mentor of Singapore, then why don't you denounce your singapore citizenship???get out & live in the country where you like the minister & governance of your favourite choice.i bet you have NONE!i also bet you're the younger generation that doesn't know much what MM has done for singapore & how much he has been through...so shut up & grow up!!!
to star7777777
1st of all,keyboard doesn't have spacebar.so there's NO REASON for me to xxxxxxxxx or use underscore.besides i EARNED NOTHING from you or the forum by commenting truth about peripheral usage. its FACTS!& nobody can change what we had gone through.2nd,if you find proper spacing between the wordings about your own paragraph, KUDOS as your Forumite of SGForums, then why don't you quit typing without spacing???get out & type in the forum where spacebar are not found & moderation of your favorite choice.i bet you have NOSPACEBAR!i also bet you're the younger generation that doesn't know much what INTERNET has done for SGForums & how much trouble we had been through... so use spaces & do punctuation checks!!!!
Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because
there is ugliness.
All can know good as good only because there is evil.
Therefore having and not having arise together.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short contrast each other; High and low rest
upon each other; Voice and sound harmonize each other;
Front and back follow one another.
Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing, teaching
The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease,
Creating, yet not possessing, Working, yet not taking
Work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts forever.
Lao Tzu
Yes, TS, MM LEE is the only perfect politician in the whole world.
Originally posted by afan:Yes, TS, MM LEE is the only perfect politician in the whole world.
He is alway right.
Originally posted by afan:Yes, TS, MM LEE is the only perfect politician in the whole world.
After all without MM Lee, we still live in kampong.
MM Lee is the only PAP MP I will vote for.
Too bad I dun live in his GRC.
That old goat have become too possessive with his own legacy and is destroying the country in order to preserve his own legacy.