- Google is a public US company, mainly financed
by US Pension Plans so why establish a $50 million research centre in Tel Aviv when it
could operate in India at far lower
- Google, IBM, Sun Systems, Microsoft and Intel did likewise but Tel Aviv is the world's 10th most expensive city.
- American pensions and tax-payers are paying Israelis' $150,000 a year salaries while American universities are frequented by Israeli students,
who take student loans, then disappear without repaying the loans.
- ### Google's founders, Larry Page and
Russian-born Sergey Brin were financed by Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder
of Sun Microsystems. All three are Jewish, and all three now have operation
centres in Israel. ###
- Tel Aviv is internationally recognised as the world's `Prostitution Capitals`, and a centre for white slave
trading in Russian Children. It is also a major player in drugs
trafficking for Heroin and Ecstasy.
- Both of Google's founders are married to women
who work in the Biotech field.
- Bill and Melinda Gates are very
active in sponsoring research in this field and being very generous
to a Danish drug company producing vaccines for Africa.
- As they say in Nairobi and elsewhere, " When the UN Doctors come a'
calling, expectant mother's begin a'running ".
- A US-UK led International Consortium announced
the `1000 Genomes` Project, aiming to produce the most detailed
map of human genetic variation to date. Major support will come from the `Wellcome Trust Sanger` Institute.
- ### Margaret Sanger was the `High Priestess`
of Eugenics. She once said, " The most merciful thing
a large family can do to one of it's infants is to kill it".
- She was instrumental in`family planning`and an outspoken
advocate of selective birth and the genetic profiling of prospective parents along with mandatory sterilisation
for those considered unfit to procreate. ###
- The resources being injected into biotech
and genome research, resulted in many depopulation methods being used to reduce fertility, induce
sterility, cause miscarriages in the third world and encourage contraception
and abortion in the developed world.
- Genome research need urgent public discussion. We must
not allow the super rich elite to take control of the human
gene. In the wrong hands, it would be the most terrible of
all the weapons of mass destruction.