((( The estimated value of the Rothschild family is at US$500 Trillion dollars ! )))
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) holds US$23 trillion in assets, and had US$917 trillion in transactions.
It processes almost all stock transactions in the United States and other countries. And 99% of all stocks in the U.S. are legally owned by them.
### It turns out it's part of the Federal Reserve Bank.
### The FED mandated that all transactions go through their subsidiary. Apart from the profits and interests from the transactions, they are given ownership of the stocks !
>>> Previously, when you owned stocks you have the stock certificates. If you needed to trade them, you send them to a broker. The shortcut was that the broker would hold your stocks instead of you. For him to trade them, the stocks were placed under the name of the brokerage, holding them in trust and trading them for you. In reality, you're the beneficiary rather than the owner.
Now, brokers are not allowed to put stocks in their own name. Instead, stocks are put into the name of "Cede and Company". The problem is that Cede is a corporation that DTCC controls and if the U.S. government defaults on its debts, they might just not give you your stocks back since they own them.
Jim McNeff (Director of Training for the DTC) said "There's no need for the public to know about us... it's required by the Federal Reserve that DTC handle all transactions".
### The Federal Reserve System, is a private company and the Federal Reserve Board is an advisory panel between the owners and the US Government.
The DTC (including the Participants Trust Company, now the Mortgage-Backed Securities Division of the DTC) is owned by the Federal Reserve System so the Depository Trust Company is really a division of the Federal Reserve System.
"DTC is 35.1% owned by the New York Stock Exchange. It is a limited purpose trust company and is a unit of the Federal Reserve." -New York Stock Exchange, Inc.