lame wall of text
PAP has sold out S'poreans long ago..................
our power stations now owned by foreigners......................
and now, the country over-run by them too....................
The thing I dislike abt PAP is political freedom restrictions.
Having different political parties will mean more ideas being generated to help but of course when disagreement comes, thing can be hard to progress, but when PAPist domination comes to an end, we can have more real opinions and real help being rendered to people, instead of wayang PAPist show.
What we need to have is to set a robust and dynamic framework that ideas can come and people can vote for or against some of the more important changes that can affect people. We need to set the groundwork for different politcial parties to debate and generate ideas robustly instead of televised PAPist wayang parliment sessions that ministers can fall asleep and some minister can hide behind the PM when things go wrong and get promoted shamelessly.
We need people who can represent diferent sectors of people instead of always having PAPist who always represent the foreigners and the rich. Even if some issues are not resolved when voiced out, public awareness will be raised and if a multi-party government cannot solve the entire issue, the public can also take some initiative to lessen the problem, working more effectively together with a free press, not a yesman lapping dog press that we have now.
To prevent corruption as it is happening now in various ministeries, having different parties in the government and having a set of rules and regulations will ensure that if the government is corrupted, then it wil face corruption charges, law enforcement should be kept away from ministers and should be free from any government pressure to perform their required duties when time comes. More experience poltically parties will ensure that if any politicians are found guilty of corruptions, others can fill in and overnment can proceed without hiccups.
A seperate entity, which should also have elected personnels to keep checks on ministers and their governments ministeries should be formed and kept by a people elected president, also kept in check by a vice president which again have a seperate audit unit which will also have powers to over-ride the vice president and president if sufficent proof of wrong doings are found and will report also to another seperate entity. and to the parliament and vice versa, an entity on keep watch on ministers and MPs, reporting to the president and vice-president.
The government should be kept on their toes at every stage of the way but still be able to function effective in this ever-changing global economy. Millions of dollars are now paid to ministers and MPs to virtually relay on their respective ministeries and structured pro PAPist grassroots which also relayed on ministeries to fufill residents needs which means the entire Sinkapore save for Potong Pasir and Hougang are being runned by public servants machineries which lessens Ministers and MPs responsibilities and weaken their senses of problem solving and community feeling which catapulted all PAPist members to their own Ivory towers flying with wings made of multi-million dollar notes.
All this which led to the current standoff between citizens and the government, PAPist is still hiding behind the press and government machineries and foreigners and not coming forthright with the people. When will PAPist ever find their balls to really engage the people? Of course not, they are concerned about their cronies businesses which competitive edge are being eaten away by China competitiveness and vastly superior combination of cheap but yet not technologically backward products. The enire nation is hanging on a thread supported by bloated GLCees which are finding it hard to survive globally and earnings hurt by a small population of locals thus the begging of foreigners to come to Sinkapore to take jobs, flats, pride and even the entire way of living by the locals are being sold off to pander to the excessive greed of the cronies.
A package deal for the yearly budget for local citizen slaves are being planned. Money which through CPF, COE, ERP and various other means which piled on the pressure on citizens to pay will be partially returned to locals, this amount is to allow locals to turn a blind eye again to what PAPist wants to continue with their plunder of this nation. PAPist message to the people is to shut up, here's some money for sweets and go away. Will the people do as they are told?
More importantly a sense of belonging to this nation will be nutured if we can allow for differences to be tolerated and ideas generated by the people to come to fruitation. To have a People Nation not a PAPist Nation.
would i run away wen you guys r paying my fat salary?
2 political parties need to be exiled from Singapore: