Very easy.
1. Tell Singaporean graduates that they only good enough to be test tube washers and give priority for postgraduate placements to China students.
2. Bring in China graduates and their illiterate cousins to work in Science and Engineering. Fund their education, send them to U.S and Europe for exposure and then watch them give you the finger.
3. Pay everybody China-rate salaries and measure success not from innovative outcomes but by how many papers on recycled topics get published.
4. Continue the course for almost 2 decades amidst rising losses, no gains, scientific data theft and a brain drain.
5. Bring in some angmo expert to advise why things are still in the shitter and listen to him give "solutions" that Singaporeans have known for the last 2 decades.
5. Publish in newspapers how Science and Engineering is really cool and how Singaporeans aren't interested in "upgrading".