I find some things a little fishy, just like many others out there. Many doubts linger. Here goes:
1) How did he get from whitley detention centre to tampines?
2) Mas Selamat has very masculine features, how did he go undetected even though he has put on make up and a tudung?
3) A high security detention centre surely has excruciatingly detailed security measures and this chap just escaped with the help of the toilet window and the sound of a running tap?
4) His family and relatives were charged behind closed doors. Why? The home ministry keeps telling us to keep a vigilance on terrorism yet they refuse to open this hearing to the public.
5) If you are a teacher from MOE, there must be some common sense at least right? Help to disguise a fugitive into a very manly looking woman and not expecting him to get caught? Or could it be that Mas Selamat is just one of those political pawns slapped with a terrorism charge so that they may gain political leverage? After all, we've had people charged like that over the years. Lim Chin Siong was not communist but he was labeled as one.
6) Shanmugam said that they couldn't look his relatives up as there were at least a hundred of them....huh lol. If Changi Airport is about to be blown up, even if his relatives number in the thousands, also must flush them out right?
7) Can someone from those socio-political blogs pay a visit to his family and relatives to find out more??
And I also want to know how he go to Johor??
What is our customs officers costal patrol officers doing during that time of his escape? Is there still got insiders help him??
--> ex. thread