Originally posted by angel7030:
Everyone hate their bosses, that is natural, but then this is how our human relationship evolved. It either you take it or leave it, be yr own employer, like doing your own business, and then employ some people to work for you, then let see how you treat them.Productivity is measuring the expansion of output in a incremental way. For what you check on employers, you have the right to work or not to work, they have the right to hire or fire you...fair and square
Yeah because you are one of those nasty employers as well, using excuses such as globalization and lack of natural resources and making use of the illegal union strikes to bully your employees.
No natural resources in Singapore, right? Then allow more flat hierachy between workers and bosses so as to generate creativity to solve problems more cooperatively.
This is what human resource management is all about!
No natural resources does not mean elitism and look down on poor in Singapore!
A Japanese boss once said our educational structure had some brilliant individuals perched like eagles on high peaks, but the average education level of the rest was not high.
Japan also relies on human resources but they are able to use it more effectively by promising two-way loyalty.
Here, it is either two-way respect or egalitarian work place to allow creativity.
Not by cutting employees when you can!
Much of the information collected by the Chinese mainstream media is published in neicans (internal, limited circulation reports prepared for the high-ranking government officials), rathen then open publications. They focus on information already available in the Internet but not in the Chinese traditional printed mainstream media, which is both censored by the government.
SG ruling party also ban the open publications of materials highly critical of their policies, its state-controlled media policy for instance. At the meet -the people forums, what really transpired during these forums are only given a positive spin, nothing critical from the audience can make it to the newspapers.
Many netizens often jokes that a party-praising letter sure get printed one.
Let's forget about the CCP for now , am sure the Chinese can ultimately find a way forward for greater democracy.
Here in SG, they make us say a pledge which they themselves don't conform or agree to the principles in it.
'To build a democrative society, based on justice and equality' - we pledge this in the school everyday yet our basic rights guaranteed in the First Principle of Justice is curtailed.
The time is now to fulfil this aspirations because we must not go against what we pledge right.
A large number of supporters turn up at a politcal rally (above), four years after the last GE this photo is still banned by ST. If the media is not controlled by the ruling party, it is most likely to be printed.
More than 33% of the electorate wanted an opposition MP in the parliament but due to GRC many were left disappointed. Yet ST has ignored the call for greater democracy by one-third of the electorate, by not being critical of GRC.
but frankly.. you think "free press" exists anywhere at all?
"home of the free" has it's "free press" in the form of Fox News...
the main responsibility of democracy is one where the people question everything... make up their own minds after collecting information from everywhere by themselves...
in other news, the "news" not working as the powers think it should is evident with the Raymond Lim fella "taking bus"...
even if it is true, we are now so cynical that we don't believe it and think it is all a staged wayang...
those who live by the sword will die by it... those who manipulate the media will end up finding that the media eventually works against them, as even if it was a true report, no one believes that anymore...
it is already happening...
so you can stop your rant, sit back and watch it happen... your ranting against the media will only slow the process...
Originally posted by the Bear:but frankly.. you think "free press" exists anywhere at all?
"home of the free" has it's "free press" in the form of Fox News...
the main responsibility of democracy is one where the people question everything... make up their own minds after collecting information from everywhere by themselves...
in other news, the "news" not working as the powers think it should is evident with the Raymond Lim fella "taking bus"...
even if it is true, we are now so cynical that we don't believe it and think it is all a staged wayang...
those who live by the sword will die by it... those who manipulate the media will end up finding that the media eventually works against them, as even if it was a true report, no one believes that anymore...
it is already happening...
so you can stop your rant, sit back and watch it happen... your ranting against the media will only slow the process...
i think you do not understand the form of US media. There are 4 primary network every state has sister stations affliation to these main network excluding NPR. Each media has their own "Pot" of audience they need to attract and protect.
The fed does not dictate views. Each of the media attack one another.
Hongkong is now ranked 100 places above SG in term of press freedom at 34.
Hong Kong hardwares 香港硬件
Freedom of media is a vital aspect of a democracy. As a nation SG should not stop at economic developments as twin city HK has shown.
Media reforms here is held back time and again, tighly controlled as before with no sign of opening up.
Symbolism of Hongkong software, its vibrant media landscape - AA statue on the Avenue of Stars, a tribute to Hong Kong cinema.
Originally posted by qpicanto:Hongkong is now ranked 100 places above SG in term of press freedom at 34.
That high?
I'm surprised.
Ranking has dropped for 2010.
Originally posted by qpicanto:Hongkong is now ranked 100 places above SG in term of press freedom at 34.
By press or by push, another 40 years, they will rank far far below us. Having said that, they are still very Bristish'ed, we do not need to follow them unless you got a problem of starvation here