Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:u gotta think who created the so call 'law'
Originally posted by iceFatboy:the opposition doesn't always win is due to their quality.
most wants opposition to win, to have a different voice, to do different things, but most want it at their neighbouring wards, not their own..
look @ some of the comments supporting opposition, "Even if the opposition sends a dog to my GRC, I will still vote for it." Are we blind, senile to really give this a vote??
No offence.
take it metaphorically la........anyway, some of the gahmen pple are little better than clowns.
They are definitely tracked, in order for them to gerrymander the election boundaries.
Why do you think the election boundaries look the way they do now?
If you don't think that they track your votes, you should go with your group of friends and exchange each other's ballot paper. See if they stop you from exchanging. I once went with my parents, tried exchanging the ballot slip and was stopped.
If all ballot slips are the same and unmarked, there is no difference if I switch around the ballot slips, unless they are tracked by some invisible serial numbers.
During the last election, Ling How Doong (opposition candidate) did claim that the vote counting officials took a long time to place all the ballot paper under a "lamp", they could have improvised a scanner under the lamp. There is no need to break open the sealed ballot boxes after elections to count the votes again.
Even if they have knowledge that you vote for opposition party, there is nothing much they can do, unless you are a high ranking civil servant (your promotions and length of service will be affected).
Originally posted by ☃®:Coldstore is. Response to a national security threat, I don’t see any way people who vote for opposed are national security threats…there is no law which says so…
Originally posted by ☃®:If u can’t get hdb cos u voted for opposed, then next election , u still will vote for opposed…use yr brain..and besides they know ppl who vote for opposed are those in their 20s or unemployed people,, these people didn’t gain anything out from the system yet, and also they don’t have any properties
Originally posted by ☃®:There is no such things as can’t get hdb , stop living in yr own world, Hdb have no access to electoral records or Ns records…get a life u idiots…
HDB is independant from the PAP, PAP can't deny your precinct upgrading if you don't vote for them.
Originally posted by ☃®:
U think they so free, go and see who vote for what, come on lah, this is ridiculous
like some forumers have said, maybe they take revenge by clusters etc districts but mayb not individual person as too tedious
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Anyway, why do they keep telling us that "voting is secret"? In not one but four languages. What's the big deal if we let each other know the party we voted for?
That has been a befuddling statement to me for ages.
Your vote is secret
It's secret to everybody else except the PAP.
Originally posted by ☃®:Records are released when court orders for it for investigations and crime, eventhen it has nothing to do with electoral records, as there is no case ever which asked for these type of records..If any stat board releases information intentionally or unknowingly to any third parties other than the court of law, it’s a breach of security and those responsible are guilty punishable by law..
Originally posted by ☃®:Records are released when court orders for it for investigations and crime, eventhen it has nothing to do with electoral records, as there is no case ever which asked for these type of records..If any stat board releases information intentionally or unknowingly to any third parties other than the court of law, it’s a breach of security and those responsible are guilty punishable by law..
If our MM LKY can change the Chief Justice as and when he feels uncomfortable, what kind of laws are you talking about here??
I remembered this remark from a Taiwanese politician not too long ago, he said Singapore has the most efficient election process, the results are known before the votes are cast.
Originally posted by angel7030:
If our MM LKY can change the Chief Justice as and when he feels uncomfortable, what kind of laws are you talking about here??
Lee's Law lor.
Originally posted by mlmersrlosers:like some forumers have said, maybe they take revenge by clusters etc districts but mayb not individual person as too tedious