Recovery in global markets helps overturn $9.2b loss last year
I didn't know MAS was to generate profit ? I thought it act as a central bank of Singapore......
Anyway I am even not sure if this is a real surplus given that Govt had previously dip into the National Reserved. the australian bushfire victims in victoria wants toclaim $4billion for damages and deaths of 200 australians.the source today revealed that the overhead power lines which singapore power was maintaining brokedown n caused the fire.
expected losses fromspore:
1)Optus-------------due to poor connections and expensive rates which seem to be hacked by hackers or bit rates are weird n slow as compared to telstra teleco
2)Singapore Power-----------due to victoria fires that killedoff 200 australians fromaoverhead powerline that fell on some trees.the victims and family are asking $4bil in losses.
2 Aug 2010 ... total cost of the fires at $4 billion. (FHR_Fire(141) image by Alex Miroshnichenko, CC2.0) ... with damaged hardware replaced over a number of months. ... The bushfires that ravaged Victoria on 7 February 2009 claimed 173 lives and .... RT @zdnetaustralia: AFACT lawyers claim iiNet authorised its ...
The data below is derived from the submissions of general insurance companies following large events incurring cost to the community and insurers. It is provided by the Insurance Council of Australia.
West Qld – Flooding - March, 2010 - $46.7m
Mackay – Flood, storm - February, 2008 - $410m
Central Queensland (including Emerald/Rockhampton) – Flood, storm - January, 2008 - $70m
Rockhampton to Cairns – December 1990 - Flood, storm - $32m (equivalent cost to recover in 2007 would be $147m).
Originally posted by Terminator the australian bushfire victims in victoria wants toclaim $4billion for damages and deaths of 200 australians.the source today revealed that the overhead power lines which singapore power was maintaining brokedown n caused the fire.
I'm still aiming to buy into SP Ausnet as part of my portfolio
Breakdown in Aussie, not in Sg can liao.
They make at the expense of our poor souls. And returns?